The New Normal

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Like many others I'm skeptical on how this stuff was thrown together, if this is the new norm why can't all meds be that way? Right?
It's not right to say it was "thrown together." The approval process is long and costly, and ordinarily is conducted one step at a time, each step requirjng its own approval. Those steps were conducted concurrently in the case of COVID vaccines, but that required the government to guarantee the cost if failures. The idea that there was no time for adequate review is anti-vaxer horseshit.

I'm comfortable taking ny FDA approved vaccine. Russion or Chinese approved vaccines, maybe not before FDA approval.

Those steps were conducted concurrently in the case of COVID vaccines, but that required the government to guarantee the cost if failures.
This ... As I understand it, there's a federally funded program that was created to set aside funds to deal with potential claims made due to these vaccines.
I'm pretty comfortable with the vaccine. They went through a pretty thorough process. Moderna had the vaccine 3 days after China gave us the code. It took an entire year with multi stage trials going on. That's a lot to me.
I'm not impressed with society as a whole. Not surprised.
One thing is this was certainly a race to the finish line for big pharma, lots of cash to be made. That said, I would imagine these companies had the best of the best on this thing. That can't be bad.
I'm not impressed with society as a whole. Not surprised.

Yeah, I know what you mean and somewhat agree. I know a handful of people who aren't getting the vax, for one reason or another. As much as I feel it's our duty to protect or neighborhood, I have to respect their decision. In saying that, what I mean is, there are a lot of these kinds of issues that I understand but just don't agree with.
The truth is, we don't know for sure what, if any, the long term consequences of these vaccines could be. Having said that, we DO KNOW the harmful effects that drinking alcohol, smoking, marijuana, etc. have on our bodies, yet we choose to ignore that harm! If you consider a vaccine COULD quite literally save your life, maybe it's worth the risk.
Also the long term risk of covid. It ain't over for me.
I get acupuncture, and so do my horses. I had one that couldn't walk without coughing. We tried all sorts of Western medicine. After her first acupuncture treatment (from my vet, who also does acupuncture), she was MUCH better. There is no placebo effect there, IMO. I get acupunctured for cold-weather asthma. I used to not be able to run in anything much lower that 45 degrees, without having a hard time breathing. Now, I am fine. I ran outside in as cold as 25 this winter, with no issues and no inhaler.

I will also be getting my vaccine this afternoon.
does Abigal (acupuncturist) work with your horses?
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