My buddy built his house in 2020
It isn't even a year old yet and the materials are triple the cost. All I'm saying is....
I love it when someone tells camp a reason for something, then he just says “All I know is...” and doesn’t take into account any new information that he is given, preferring instead to just make uninformed base observations about the world around him, completely incurious as to why things are the way they are.
I guess you can go too far in the other direction, though. Americans specifically (including people in this thread), seem to have no idea about basic facts on the virus ( It probably has to do with the sensationalist media, which amplifies man-bites-dog stories (“this 20-year old DIED!”, “this long hauler STILL CAN’T SMELL”, etc.) and not the normal stories (“this dude got it, had a sore throat, then got over it”). Even today, NPR had a doctor on that said that the 60,000 cases (in a country of 350,000,000) is terrible & alarming and that everyone should hunker down, even if they are vaccinated.
I think we have to have a more positive attitude here. Every day, good news comes out about the virus (today: Pfizer’s vaccine is 100% effective for kids aged 12-15 and Pfizer & Moderna have shown that the vaccines cut both infection AND transmission) and every day I just hear doom & gloom. It’s wild.
Take a break from the news sometimes, guys. Go outside. Read a book. Fly a kite.
Note: I got my second vax shot last week you suckers so maybe I’m just feeling invincible.