The New Normal

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No evidence the J&J shot is better/safer (given what we don’t know) than the mRNA vaccines. J&J is not a “traditional” vaccine. While it does incorporate weakened virus, given that it’s a viral vector shot it uses that viral material in a different way than traditional vaccines. Seems that viral vectors use weakened virus not to produce antibodies, but rather it’s used to introduce double stranded genetic code (via Adenovirus 26/HAdv-D26) into human cells. That adenovirus is encoded with DNA instruction for building coronavirus spiked proteins. So, even though it’s different, it acts in a somewhat similar manner to the mRNA vaccines. Or so I’ve read.

Again, not saying any of that is a reason to not take any of the shots, but it’s a fair question what long term effects circumventing our natural immunities via genetic response to this particular Coronavirus may have on our bodies’ abilities to respond to other Coronaviruses, and Coronaviruses are pretty common.

Maybe I ask too many questions, maybe I misunderstand the science...but asking question doesn’t seem imprudent. Being able to talk about it with others who might know more, without being hushed and slammed down as a denier, would seem like a good thing...
Are you a virologist?
No. Apparently because I’m not I should shut up and not ask questions?

I guess you are a virologist, and the fact that none of these vaccines have been thru the typical clinical cycle that most vaccines go thru doesn’t concern you. Regarding the J&J viral vector shot, they won’t be done with (typical) clinical trials until 2023, apparently....
No. I guess you are, and the fact that none of these vaccines have been thru the typical clinical cycle that most vaccines go thru doesn’t concern you. Regarding the J&J viral vector shot, they won’t be done with (typical) clinical trials until 2023, apparently....
Nope, not a virologist and I don't pretend to be one either. You don't even know what you don't know.
I will continue to trust the FDA advisory board of virologists who decided to approve these vaccines on an emergency order.
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I told myself I would get whatever shot they had available. I also felt it was my duty to get vaccinated.
I appreciate that. Same reason my wife got it. Same reason I will. However, would you say your choice to get the vaccine was based more on your duty, or your comfort level with the process/science?
Nope, not a virologist and I don't pretend to be one either. You don't even know what you don't know.
I will continue to trust the FDA advisory board of virologists who decided to approve these vaccines on an emergency order.
Yeah, I get that. I’m trying to get myself more comfortable being there as well....trusting in virologists that know a bazillion times more than I do, but also knowing they don’t really know (what they don’t know) either.
I m having a new roof put on and plywood materials costs are up signifcantly .

Using Same contractor (i skied with the guy and he has an Engineering degree from VA TECH ) and is the best roofing and general contractor in our immediate region with all the right lift gear and a swat team of installers .we are high end shingles and job bid allows for up to two 4x8 sections of plywood IF NECESSARY within the bid .

My point here is IF additional sections are needed ( i doubt any will be needed ) BUT those will be 70 bucks a piece installed . Offffh

I was pleasantly surprised his overall bid was only up 23 percent from 17 years ago whereas standard inflation ( per inflation calculator ) over that period was 39 percent
From my own perspective, a friend of mine has worked in Pfizer's clinical vaccine trials program for over 20 years. I had seen her last June and she was very excited about what they were seeing in the clinical trials they were running. For me, and this is strictly a personal decision, I trust her, and knowing that she would get the vaccine and would have her family vaccinated, is good enough for me. I had my first dose last Thursday ... funny enough though ... Moderna not Pfizer!

On another thought, I'm always amazed by our "selectivity" when it comes to worrying about things that can harm us, like the COVID vaccines. The truth is, we don't know for sure what, if any, the long term consequences of these vaccines could be. Having said that, we DO KNOW the harmful effects that drinking alcohol, smoking, marijuana, etc. have on our bodies, yet we choose to ignore that harm! If you consider a vaccine COULD quite literally save your life, maybe it's worth the risk.
I appreciate that. Same reason my wife got it. Same reason I will. However, would you say your choice to get the vaccine was based more on your duty, or your comfort level with the process/science?

Like many others I'm skeptical on how this stuff was thrown together, if this is the new norm why can't all meds be that way? Right?

Plus the people I know who work in the medical field also gave it the thumbs up, and I know I've done way dumber things to my body in the past.
I'm always amazed by our "selectivity" when it comes to worrying about things that can harm us
Likewise, years ago a family friend was trying to sell me copper jewelry touting how it aligns the electrons in the body and provides great health benefits. I listened to his spiel and asked him if that's why he lived so close to the high tension line near his house. He responded that they don' have any effect, and we went back and forth - my argument being that, good or bad, one can't be true without the other. He still is stand-offish to me to this day....
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