The New Normal

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Listen, I don’t partake of Eastern medicine, and although I don’t know exactly how I feel about the COVID vaccines I do have an appointment to get one.

MM....did tirolski say he was shunning all vaccines for Eastern remedies? I don’t recall seeing that.

tirolski does make a good point that Eastern remedies, for some things at least, have validity.

Makes an even better point that the COVID vaccines don’t fall into your category of vaccines that have been proven to be safe and effective for over a hundred years.

Just sayin.....
tirolski does make a good point that Eastern remedies, for some things at least, have validity.

Makes an even better point that the COVID vaccines don’t fall into your category of vaccines that have been proven to be safe and effective for over a hundred years.
If Eastern remedies are valid, that can be proven by science. Most of the evidence for Eastern medicine seems to be the same kind is internet rumors that fuel the whole anti-vax ignorance, which started long before the new COVID vaccines. COVID vaccines may not yet have been proven as safe as some others, but still safe enough given the risk of COVID. The evidence against them is just ordinary stupid vaccine denialism and internet garbage.

I get acupuncture, and so do my horses. I had one that couldn't walk without coughing. We tried all sorts of Western medicine. After her first acupuncture treatment (from my vet, who also does acupuncture), she was MUCH better. There is no placebo effect there, IMO. I get acupunctured for cold-weather asthma. I used to not be able to run in anything much lower that 45 degrees, without having a hard time breathing. Now, I am fine. I ran outside in as cold as 25 this winter, with no issues and no inhaler.

I will also be getting my vaccine this afternoon.
internet garbage.

Lots of that around, yeah. Biggest problem with that is a lack of objective discussion. Most people are (or assume others are) in one camp or another. Mostly ends of the spectrum, it seems. News is manipulated, social media somewhat scrubbed. That’s always been a problem, even pre-COVID. It’s probably worse now. Then people beat down anyone who might discuss something that contradicts their beliefs, educated or otherwise. Big heaping pile o’ garbage, agreed.

Yes, Eastern remedies can be, and have been, proven by/incorporated into Western medicine. However, the were used effectively elsewhere long before proven to your scientific satisfaction, so it seems silly to discount the concept of Eastern medicine entirely, no?

What “evidence against” COVID vaccines are you talking about? Problem is, there’s not really much evidence FOR them being safe (and effective), much less AGAINST them. That’s the point. For over a hundred years there have been vaccine protocols in place....protocols that were abandoned to rush a never before used (on humans) kind of vaccine to market. Like I said, I have an appointment, and my wife has had her first shot. We aren’t deniers. That said, if the circumstances don’t lead one to at least be a little hesitant and ask questions.....well, I guess I have quote my younger brother’s favorite word. Sheeple.

If people have reasonable questions or concerns and they want to talk about, I don’t think anyone should squash that.
I'm not sure.
I spoke with a buddy of mine who just built a house last year. According to his contractor if he were to build that same house today, the materials would be 3x what they were a year ago.
There have been calls for Biden from builders and contractors groups to remove the Canadian tariffs. In 2017, Trump implemented tariffs of up to 24% on lumber imports from Canada.
There have been calls for Biden from builders and contractors groups to remove the Canadian tariffs. In 2017, Trump implemented tariffs of up to 24% on lumber imports from Canada.
My buddy built his house in 2020
It isn't even a year old yet and the materials are triple the cost. All I'm saying is it's super expensive to build right now, and the only reason I'm aware of it is because I'm looking into an addition for my house. Well, not anymore --- LOL
My buddy built his house in 2020
It isn't even a year old yet and the materials are triple the cost. All I'm saying is it's super expensive to build right now, and the only reason I'm aware of it is because I'm looking into an addition for my house. Well, not anymore --- LOL
We just had our planning board variance meeting for an addition and our plans where approved.
I'm counting on things settling down before we build in 3 years. At these prices we'd have to come up with a different plan.
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