The New Normal

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The state has their inspectors and any law enforcement that will cooperate checking in on restaurants constantly. The Saloon in Pearl River had their liquor license suspended for a couple weeks
I stand corrected
How about any strange questions asked when trying to purchase a lift ticket, a friend getting a buddy pass at the Beast was questioned like their was a light bulb hanging overhead, questions I expected but then out of the blue “have you ever lived in Michigan “.?? Now my friend had been patient until then and under normal situation I would have chimed in some wise comment but it was full on “soup nazi” shit and I didn’t want to hear “no skiing for you!” (That happened to the people in front of us) So I shut up and cringed and just kept calm like that was normal question.
Now I say to my friend that since he is in the system all he needs for future bud passes is to give a vial of blood
wtf, enjoy the spring; (he had never even been to Michigan in his life)
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My daughter has been working retail in a small consignment shop. Businesses take this seriously, you don’t know when big bro is watching, and they are at times.

Especially when people are drunk during St. Patty’s day weekend before day drinking it leads to nonsense like this. Sign on the door (every store door in NY) says no mask, no entry. Guy comes in to the shop with his girlfriend, tells his girlfriend he’s gonna punch my daughter in the head if she tells him he has to put his mask on. Daughter hears that and gives him the usual bit (I didn’t make the rules, the sign’s on the door, my boss has cameras to make sure us min wage workers enforce it, lest the shop gets closed, I’m just doing my job). He backs down and puts his mask on, girlfriend apologizes to my daughter for his behavior, daughter tells girlfriend she needs to get a better boyfriend because the one she has now obviously doesn’t know how to treat people with respect.
I'm seeing where many covid shot appointments are being missed and or cancelled. It's all over the news. I'm thinking if it was easier to get the damn thing this wouldn't be the case. I had to drive 45 minutes to get mine and was more than happy to do so. Not everyone will/can do that. It's time to get this thing so you can get it local, without having to fill out a bunch of BS paperwork on a stupid computer that nobody even cares about, or looks at, when you show up.
Rant over ✌️
News for NY or national? As with everything else for the pandemic, there are a lot of regional, state, county, and even city differences for the vaccine rollout.

As the national pharmacy chains increase the number of locations and states where COVID-19 vaccinations are available, that will make a difference. Know of someone in Boston who was working to get her father an appointment a few weeks ago since he qualified by age. Found that the local pharmacy (Walgreens?) that was under 2 miles from his house had available appointments. The nearest MA clinic was about an hour away.
And it is the Astral Zenica vaccine, which comes with baggage.
Only if you think like some Europeans. The EU has made a complete mess out of the vaccine rollout. All they seem to believe in is lock downs. Some countries never allowed ski lifts to operate at all.
Astral Zenica is unknown, but Astrazenica’s jab has yet to obtain Emergency Use Authorization approval in the USA.
Normal for the FDA to wait until the U.S. clinical trial is complete. In general, evidence from other countries for efficacy can only be supportive, not the core evidence. Statistics from other countries to demonstrate safety is required. The idea is to combine data for as many subjects as possible when looking for the incidence of adverse reactions.

I didn't work on vaccine trials, but did work on submissions to the FDA for drugs that had been used in Europe for decades before a submission to the FDA for as a treatment for a new use.
Here are the two sources I've been looking at to get a sense of how vaccinations are going by state. All reports are based on CDC data for vaccinations. So states that are slow to transfer info have more of a time lag. That's been a factor for GA, and perhaps a few other states that were less prepared from an IT standpoint.

Overall percentage just over 20% for the first shot by March 17, with a range of about 15-30% on a state basis. Most states will get to 25% by the end of the week. People who get the 1-shot J&J are counted for both First Shot and Fully Vaccinated.

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