The New Normal

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I just became eligible.

But I'll wait until May to get stabbed. Not going to go through the BS required right now to get an appointment. I just don't have the patience for that. I always laugh at the American tendency to lie about being eligible, or pay someone to cut a line.

Bottom line there are many others who need this more than me right now. Have at it!
Exactly. My son has been on site in construction since this started. He was in NJ from April until last January. He is now on site in Rochester. At least he doesn't have the drive.

My farrier has been working through the pandemic, sometimes with his small child accompanying him.

I think they are way more up the food chain than me. I can wait.
The same vaccine gong show is in effect up here in the Hinterlands. My boss, the potential superspreader, logged on to some portal I didn't even know existed, got a last minute appointment yesterday and drove two hours to get vaccinated. Meanwhile, another colleague's wife, a nurse, hasn't got a shot yet through normal channels. Strangely enough, I got a call out of the blue today from my new family doctor at 4 pm (old one quit due to sexual misconduct allegations, who know?) offering me an appointment at 5:40 today because someone cancelled. I had to decline because of the short notice and drive time after work. I didn't even know that shots were available in our area, and I actually pay attention to such things. I guess that I am back to the bottom of the list (in the 60 to 65 age group). And it is the Astral Zenica vaccine, which comes with baggage.
Since my company’s management ceased allowing us to work from home on June 1, I’ve been out on the road in Westchester County (including New Rochelle where it all started) visiting 6-10 liquor stores a day. It’s virtually impossible that I haven’t been in the same room with many non-symptomatic infected people. On the other hand, the nature of things means that I don’t get picked up by any contact tracers and if I picked it up someplace, I would almost certainly be a super spreader before I knew I had it. But New York has decided to micromanage the 1B group eligibility and somebody decided to leave the liquor/ wine industry out until further notice. I would get the shot in a minute. I would take a personal day (or 2) if that was required. Until then I’m just going to work and rolling the dice. I wear the mask, wash my hands and hope for the best. So if I end up giving it to you, I apologize in advance.
I think things have changed pretty drastically in the last few days. I got several notifications today for times/places to get stabbed after weeks of silence. In the past few days, they've opened (or announced that they'll be opening) vaccinations sites in Kingston, New Paltz, Oneonta, and Middletown. And probably a lot of other places too but those are the ones in my neighborhood. The end may be in sight.
Strangely enough, I got a call out of the blue today from my new family doctor at 4 pm (old one quit due to sexual misconduct allegations, who know?) offering me an appointment at 5:40 today because someone cancelled. I had to decline because of the short notice and drive time after work. I didn't even know that shots were available in our area, and I actually pay attention to such things. I guess that I am back to the bottom of the list (in the 60 to 65 age group). And it is the Astral Zenica vaccine, which comes with baggage.
Astral Zenica is unknown, but Astrazenica’s jab has yet to obtain Emergency Use Authorization approval in the USA.
I drove 1.5 hrs for mine
My daughter seems to able to find appts at will.
they need to open it up to everyone
Bowling alleys, pool halls, and movie theaters now do not have a cerfew but bars and restaurants still have to close at 11.
NYS can fuck anything up
Is there really any enforcement ?
Do u think the ski areas operated at the alleged guide lines? Who’s counting ?
Is there really any enforcement ?
Do u think the ski areas operated at the alleged guide lines? Who’s counting ?

Most def there's enforcement. The state has been and still is sending people into places just looking for violations. Just a couple weeks ago a local VFW (friggin VFW) got written up, and fined, because they were using potato chips as food. Now seriously, wtf does it matter if it's a bag of chips, cheese and crackers, or a hotdog. It's the dumbest thing ever. One of my closest friends owns the bowling alley right across the street from my office. 2 or tree times a week I'd pop in there for a couple beers after work. Now I don't dare to. I don't want to be the reason he gets fined or written up or whatever the state man has up his ass that day. I don't want anything to eat, I just want a couple beers and shoot the shit with my friend. That's it. But somehow, magically, if I have food it's OK. Fuck that --- it's time for this to be done with. I'm not suggesting doing away with all covid guidelines, but is there anything wrong with common sense?
The state has their inspectors and any law enforcement that will cooperate checking in on restaurants constantly. The Saloon in Pearl River had their liquor license suspended for a couple weeks
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