The New Normal

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My girlfriend teaches and has two aids in her classroom that both believe in the power of crystals and wont shut the fuck up about the vaccine killing people. Ironically they both have gotten their first doses. I can't quite understand people who believe in eastern medicine and magic rocks but but won't give this vaccine a shot.

George Carlin sums it up best,
"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."
"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people."
H.L Menken
Makes sense coming from Menken who it’s noted was a racist and anti semetic, his hometown Baltimore being the hotbed of such
I can't quite understand people who believe in eastern medicine and magic rocks but but won't give this vaccine a shot.
I know people who never met a conspiracy theory that they didn't believe. But the one's who have a condition that makes them more vulnerable to the virus wore their masks and were first in line for the vaccine. Funny how their actions changed when their life could depend on it.
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