The New Normal

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I'm guessing, but I have a feeling that since most vaccination reports are being based on CDC data, there may be a difference in the timeliness of reporting among states.
So we rank 40th in filing our paperwork?
So we rank 40th in filing our paperwork?
Maybe, maybe not.

The overall figure in this article for NY is 16.1%. The map in the NY Times based on CDC data says 15.7%. The differences between states isn't that much on a percentage basis. The difference in actual numbers are obviously more significant between states like NY, CA vs WY, ND, or RI. With the mass vaccination sites ramping up in NYC, numbers and overall percentage for NY is going to go up pretty fast in the next week or two. Trends are more important than a point in time.

I'm seeing where many covid shot appointments are being missed and or cancelled. It's all over the news. I'm thinking if it was easier to get the damn thing this wouldn't be the case. I had to drive 45 minutes to get mine and was more than happy to do so. Not everyone will/can do that. It's time to get this thing so you can get it local, without having to fill out a bunch of BS paperwork on a stupid computer that nobody even cares about, or looks at, when you show up.
Rant over ✌️
I’m with you. Drop the screening and just get on with it
Exactly. I have breakfast at a local diner every Friday. I know most of the old timers that are there. I asked one of them if he had gotten his shot yet, he's 88. He said no because his doctor wasn't doing them yet. This guy is not driving to Cuse to get it, not does he have a computer to sign up online to get one.
Kinda sad.
Exactly. I have breakfast at a local diner every Friday. I know most of the old timers that are there. I asked one of them if he had gotten his shot yet, he's 88. He said no because his doctor wasn't doing them yet. This guy is not driving to Cuse to get it, not does he have a computer to sign up online to get one.
Kinda sad.
At least he's getting it.

I didn't get mine yet either.
I just became eligible.

But I'll wait until May to get stabbed. Not going to go through the BS required right now to get an appointment. I just don't have the patience for that. I always laugh at the American tendency to lie about being eligible, or pay someone to cut a line.

Bottom line there are many others who need this more than me right now. Have at it!
I get it get mine a week from today
My program for Mental illness and substance (mostly pot) theapartment set up for everyone who wants it in our program
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