The New Normal

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The old people are getting bumped back by other groups that are eligible there are better on computers.
I’ve seen this first hand with my mother and mother-in-law. They think their doctor is just going to call them up on their land line when it’s their turn. Any other scenario seems dubious to them
TLDR: folks, please check hospital systems that are not NYS official sites. I have at least anecdotal evidence that that is a route to vaccine distribution:

Hey everyone - in addition to state sites (driving far) or job preference (union/hc worker), if folks are in the eligible NY list, you should check what hospital systems are doing. This is a third source of vaccine, which while subject to eligibility rules, gets allocated vaccine and is not a NYS executed sight.

My parents have passed, but after we convinced my inlaws to get the vaccine, they were able to get the first shot quickly without us having any 'ins' by going through Columbia Presbyterian, which releases slots daily.

The 'in' my inlaws had was the resource of my wife putting in time to figure out the best option. Which I freely admit is a valuable resource. My now deceased first generation grandparents would not have had that in the form of my parents, who didn't know how to research, etc., and certainly didn't have the free time to do so.

I was pushing my wife to just get them an appointment in the North Country (maybe 6 hours away), but she found this resource, which was quicker.

Good luck to everyone.
Am I crazy to hang back?

I figure I'll do my best to stay out of the way, not get sick and get mine when there are a lot available. I think in the next two months, cases will get better, many will get vaccinated, and there will be more supply.

I also want to make sure my second dose comes at the designed time of 21 or 28 days.

Am I crazy to hang back?
I figure I'll do my best to stay out of the way, not get sick and get mine when there are a lot available. I think in the next two months, cases will get better, many will get vaccinated, and there will be more supply.

Thinkin of who gets vaxed first, wise words of Soggy Sweat come to mind.
Consideration of deference, altruistically, to:
(if they want vaccinated under Emergency Use Authorization)
Front line workers and folks in nursing homes...
High risk ethnic groups...
Descriminated LBGTQ+ folks...
Other women not included above...
Due to limited supply these folks can have at it first.
“This is my stand. I will not retreat from it. I will not compromise.” Judge Sweat.


Anybody who has really looked at the numbers and is being honest knows the numbers are undercounted. The death rate in the US is remarkably stable year to year. While covid deaths are 400,000 or whatever the total death rate is even higher than when you compare 2020 to 2019. I'm not sure by how much, but I know it's not a trivial amount.
I don't know if I am in a position to criticize anyone who is eligible and is waiting.

You could make a pretty good argument that if you are eligible it makes sense to get vaccinated. I don't know enough to know whether someone is 'taking' a vaccine that someone else needs if they are following the guidelines/requirements.

And every situation is different. At least some folks here have some kind of immunity (likely though we don't know how long.

If I were a policy maker, I am not sure I would have set the priorities precisely how they are, but from a societal perspective, since we have this priority handed to us, if I were within the priority I would get vaccinated as soon as I could following the rules.

More people vaccinated means less time to heard immunity. As others have said, there is no easy way to deal with choosing priorities, but we have them set for us by the state.
Anybody who has really looked at the numbers and is being honest knows the numbers are undercounted... I'm not sure by how much, but I know it's not a trivial amount.
Also from the article dealing with $ numbers.
"One of the more complex findings of the report is the way the state currently reimburses for-profit nursing homes, which the report says gives them a financial incentive to transfer money to related parties instead of using the money to buy more PPE and add staff."

How dare they?
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