The New Normal

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Looking at deaths in the U.S. over the last five years. There are graphs by state of weekly deaths for 2020 from mid-March thru Dec. Can find similar graphs for other countries.

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I think I read that right. Official covid count 425,000, actual rise in total death 446,000?
I think I read that right. Official covid count 425,000, actual rise in total death 446,000?
That seems bad.

Think about how many car accidents didn't happen because nobody was driving, how many fewer people didn't catch the flu because their kid's school was closed, how many people failed to fall headfirst into a manhole because they were locked down at home, etc.
That seems bad.

Think about how many car accidents didn't happen because nobody was driving, how many fewer people didn't catch the flu because their kid's school was closed, how many people failed to fall headfirst into a manhole because they were locked down at home, etc.
Good point.

but, what would the covid death numbers be without any intervention?
That seems bad.

Think about how many car accidents didn't happen because nobody was driving, how many fewer people didn't catch the flu because their kid's school was closed, how many people failed to fall headfirst into a manhole because they were locked down at home, etc.
That’s what I’m interested in seeing; what’s up, what’s down, which approach ultimately worked better when it’s all said and done. Real data is hard to find.
Think about how many car accidents didn't happen because nobody was driving, how many fewer people didn't catch the flu because their kid's school was closed, how many people failed to fall headfirst into a manhole because they were locked down at home, etc.
I found this. I’m kind of surprised the numbers per mile driven got worse even though the overall numbers improved.
I found this. I’m kind of surprised the numbers per mile driven got worse even though the overall numbers improved.
Brown- I am not surprised at all. I was taking a lot of time in Spring of 20 because my dad was in hospice. This was full on stay at home (hospice was exempt and followed the rules, because I am a rule follower). There would be almost no one on major arteries on LONG ISLAND, which almost always seems to have traffic. Yet, people would pass me doing 90 mph more than once on each 30 minute drive. I don't know how to explain it but I kind of felt their anger in their driving.

Apparently my experience was not unique. I have seen numerous stories/articles about police asking people to tone it down on their driving when downstate NY was at the high point of the first 'pause'/lockdown.

I have no data to support it, but I would guess that time of driving per a mile was much more dangerous.
Yet, people would pass me doing 90
The cross country cannonball record has been broken multiple times during the pandemic. A brazen one was completed in the beginning during the lockdown. The fastest known time is now 25hours 39 minutes... talk about reckless
That's so funny, I went totally the other way.

With no one on the road, I started hyper-miling on the drive to work.

It became a game. In my CRV I could get 40mpg on the 8 mile drive from work to home.
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