The New Normal

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I guess catching up the production is the real answer. My understanding is the next version coming out is supposed to be single dose and be more easily transported so it will be able to be distributed to drug stores. That should help.
A very close friend of mine
Who happens to be a doc
Was able to get his wife a shot. He said she worked at his office. She’s a accountant. I thought it was bad juju.
but it’s a dog eat dog world people and we are wearing milkbone underwear.
If course they should. One kid gets covid two building over and they go remote. Give me a break
Massachusetts had teachers set up to be among 1st to get vaccinated but fortunately the reversed that decision, in Va they must do the same, the teachers refuse to go in person they shouldn’t get the vaccine
A very close friend of mine
Who happens to be a doc
Was able to get his wife a shot. He said she worked at his office. She’s a accountant. I thought it was bad juju.
but it’s a dog eat dog world people and we are wearing milkbone underwear.
At the hospital where my gf works, vaccinations were given strictly on exposure risk. Doctors were sometimes behind housekeepers, and Some managers were completely out. That’s the right way. Sucks for me because I have to drive almost to Canada to get mine, but it’s still right.

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I got mine because I’m old, but if I’m being honest teachers and bartenders probably should be high on the list. It seems to me that young people spread it and their grandparents die from it, so apparently the decision is to save old people more than stop the pandemic. I hope that was the right decision, but...

A very close friend of mine
Who happens to be a doc
Was able to get his wife a shot. He said she worked at his office. She’s a accountant. I thought it was bad juju.
but it’s a dog eat dog world people and we are wearing milkbone underwear.

This is true.
It's not what you know but who you know. My second covid test was a complete monkey F'n a football experience. My first test I drove right up (no appointment needed) and tested within 2 minutes. My second test took me 2 days to schedule and the only reason I got in was because of my wife.

Seems like we (the media) concentrate on different numbers. We concentrate on the 95% effective rate of the vaccine, yet concentrate only on the 2% of death rate.
Teachers... Prison guards.. every group pleading their case. It's bs. Old people are significantly more likely to die if they get it. Why aren't we taking care of them first

Yep --- my parents are waiting too. I guess their in some virtual line somewhere that who knows pays attention to.
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