The New Normal

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Shit, I'm freakin' late to the party, again! Harv, I hope you're still feeling better and yesterday was just the beginning. ??
Further thoughts?
Well, every day, I check the Tompkins County Health Department website, which is where I live. I have started checking the Cortland County site, because that's where GP is.

This week has been a godsend, because I am on vacation for skiing and a) GP is not crowded and b) I don't have to get there until at least 9:30. I usually leave GP around 11:30, which I always have because that's when it gets crowded and I hate having people skiing out of control behind me. Once I see those kids bombing straight down, it's time for me to leave.

I got to see my dad today for the first time in a week, and I think that was ok. He's 80 and has vertigo, so I helped him take his outside lights down. I haven't seen my son, other than for a few minutes in ten days, so that should be ok.

I just really, really have this feeling that it's time to stay home for a bit. We are so close to the end, that I don't want to do anything stupid. I think that skiing is reasonably safe. But, OTOH, is it worth it? I could quite easily and safely stay at home, ride my pony, go jogging around my block (2.25 miles and hills), do my online yoga and wait for this thing to pass. I have x-c skis and a couple of places to go within walking distance. I also picked up some uses snowshoes. I suck going down the slightest of hills on x-c skis and don't know much about snowshoeing. Of course, we need actual snow for those. :p I have passed my break even point on my pass, so that's not a big deal.

OTOH, tomorrow should be a nice day. I'm on skication. Crowds should be limited, and I can always change my mind.
I suck going down the slightest of hills on x-c skis
This kind of setup will make all the difference in the world, and is a LOT of fun.

Changed my wife's view of nordic.
This kind of setup will make all the difference in the world, and is a LOT of fun.

Changed my wife's view of nordic.
I used to be completely fine and happy going down hills and through all sorts of stuff on x-c skis. When I was in college, I could head out the back of my dorm into some woods and bushwhack for hours. I loved it.

My x-c skis are about twelve years old, and not heavily used, because I got back into downhill. I probably skied about the same amount of downhill and x-c until I was about 25. My ex-husband didn't ski, so I just did x-c. After my divorce, when my son was in middle school, he went downhill skiing with the school ski program. I went with him one night, and was immediately hooked again. I don't think I stopped smiling the entire time. The following year, we had season's passes and our own skis. I still make sure that I get out once or twice a year on my x-c skis, just to keep up with it, but I miss the edges when going downhill, for sure. :)

Actually, I have two pairs of x-c skis: one waxable, and the other non-wax. The waxable skis are from when I was in HS. I loved waxing them prior to skiing. I picked up the non-wax for when the snow is thinner and the ground not frozen underneath. I also just snagged a used pair of boots to replace those that are falling apart.

I guess I am in good shape to stay home, huh? Maybe after this weekend...
I continue to feel much better.

Yesterday I finally got vertical and took a shower. I started to feel dizzy and turned off the water and sat down. I called out to Zelda. Still in quarantine (until tomorrow) but I was pretty sure that lack of food was catching up to me. She made me two milkshakes and a large plate of pasta and I felt better.

For reasons I won't go into we don't really use a scale around here. But we do have one and my wife found it and left it out for me. In nine days I lost 20 lbs, I'm down to 170. I'm kind of stunned.
Harv, I'm really happy that you're doing better. That's great.

For Harv and Camp - and I don't mean to sound callous about this - but is there some relief now that you're toward the end? I mean, there's a lot of concern about this, but as you reach daylight do you think, "It really sucked, wish it didn't happen, but now I should be all set for a while now that I have the antibodies."
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