The New Normal

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And, thanks, Camp and Brownski. I feel better with the idea of knowing not to overthink it. I guess I will just carry on as I have been and hope for the best.

BTW, I am big fan of echinacea tea to help with strengthening your immune system. I start drinking it daily every spring when the students come back. Last spring, I started early because it seemed that everyone was sick. Then, there is the fact that am I spend a couple hours a day in a barn and share carrots with my horse. Dirt is good for you. :)
I’ll take it. Let’s stop trying to micromanage who is the highest priority and get it out there. If a high enough percentage of the population gets it, it protects the others too right?

It’s not that surprising that many aren’t lining up, really. That medical professionals are reluctant only highlights why, given that they are in a better position than others to understand medical risks. As good as it will be if the vaccines bring the virus under control, the reality is there are a lot of unknowns surrounding messenger RNA vaccine, used for the first time, and even the traditional vaccine, all developed and brought to market at warp speed. When it come to medical stuff like this I believe fear of the unknown is not only warranted, but prudent. Doesn’t necessarily mean we won’t get the vaccine, but I’m not all that upset that it will be some time before we can, give us more time to figure out how we feel about it.
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I have 3 doc friends that took it 10 days ago
RNA vac has been in the works for many years
Yeah, they’ve been working on them for years, but this is the first time they’ve ever been used. As for things medical, not really sure I want to be in on the first. When the time comes that I can get it, and I decide to get it, hope I can get traditional and not mRNA,
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