The New Normal

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Thanks Johnny.

I am taking Vitamin C, D and Zinc.

What your doc says sounds like it may make some sense.

Since I went public Monday a lot of people have told me they are sick too. I was insanely careful. I can think of only 3 incidents when someone got too close or violated regs in some way. In each case I had an N95 on.

I don't fully understand how the immune system works. If the fever is the body fighting the infection, then why wouldn't taking meds to bring the fever down, hinder the bodies response?
Harvey, Sorry you are ill, hopefully you will recover and not have any lasting after effects. This is one scary virus. Just had one relative pass from this, their spouse is positive but a symptomatic, both over 90. their daughter is also positive and having fever symptoms. Started at a family get together weekend before Christmas.
Hope I'm not speaking too soon.

All of a sudden, I'm feeling physically MUCH better. I'm sure it's not over, but I feel like I've turned a corner. Still have zero appetite, but not a big deal, I got the surplus I need to get through.

I'm happy (and honestly stunned) that my family isn't showing symptoms. They are getting tested tomorrow. Can't wait to get out of quarantine.

Thank you for well wishes.
I think it’s a good sign that you could smell coffee earlier. Has it affected your sense of taste any?
Hope I'm not speaking too soon.

All of a sudden, I'm feeling physically MUCH better. I'm sure it's not over, but I feel like I've turned a corner. Still have zero appetite, but not a big deal, I got the surplus I need to get through.

I'm happy (and honestly stunned) that my family isn't showing symptoms. They are getting tested tomorrow. Can't wait to get out of quarantine.

Thank you for well wishes.
Great news...
Never lost sense of smell. Had a small list of the top symptoms. Really just fever/chills, headache (CRUSHING), incredibly tired, body ache.

No sore throat, no cough, no shortness of breathe or low 02. No running nose, nausea or vomiting.

Thanks everyone.
I am kinda, sorta rethinking my skiing for the rest of the year. I am on vacation this week. Greek Peak has been pretty empty, so I have felt pretty safe. I also tend to leave by 11:30 regardless, because that's when it becomes crowded. I think that I will ski tomorrow, Friday, maybe the weekend, and Monday, my last day off, then reevaluate.
This is great!

I just read that Cuomo announced he won’t be attending because he needs to stay in Albany and work on his state of the state address
I am kinda, sorta rethinking my skiing for the rest of the year. I am on vacation this week. Greek Peak has been pretty empty, so I have felt pretty safe. I also tend to leave by 11:30 regardless, because that's when it becomes crowded. I think that I will ski tomorrow, Friday, maybe the weekend, and Monday, my last day off, then reevaluate.
Doesn’t Greek have night skiing? Have you considered that?
Hope I'm not speaking too soon.

All of a sudden, I'm feeling physically MUCH better. I'm sure it's not over, but I feel like I've turned a corner. Still have zero appetite, but not a big deal, I got the surplus I need to get through.

I'm happy (and honestly stunned) that my family isn't showing symptoms. They are getting tested tomorrow. Can't wait to get out of quarantine.

Thank you for well wishes.
Good to hear!!
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