The New Normal

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Camp no shortness of breath. One thing that is odd is that my Blood 02, measured by one of those finger things has remained relatively high. My reading just now is 98, which about normal for me. Only had a few readings below 95. Doc seemed content with that.
Rt on!!!

It is so amazing how this virus effects each person differently. Heck, I was riding sled thru it all thinking I had a cold. Go figure.
Camp no shortness of breath. One thing that is odd is that my Blood 02, measured by one of those finger things has remained relatively high. My reading just now is 98, which about normal for me. Only had a few readings below 95. Doc seemed content with that.
I think that's the thing to pay attention to. Good levels you got there
I get Saratoga County pandemic updates from my partner who is a registered nurse/dominatrix. She's volunteering to vaccinate hospital employees.
Things are still getting worse around here.
Monitoring O2 saturation is better than waiting for shortness of breath, which sometimes isn't apparent until you are very sick.
Get better soon.

Harvey, I hope you feel better. You will. See what your Dr. thinks about taking some vitamin D supplements.
I got tested Monday (with a negative result an hour ago) and the Dr. Says people who haven't been sick often in their lifetime are doing better with Covid. Hence children doing well with it. People who have had several pneumonia's, flu's, etc. don't fare so well because their immune system sees the problem and reacts drastically??? Who knows.
It seems like we are in a huge spike right now. Everyone I talk to either has it or knows someone who does.
Thanks Johnny.

I am taking Vitamin C, D and Zinc.

What your doc says sounds like it may make some sense.

Since I went public Monday a lot of people have told me they are sick too. I was insanely careful. I can think of only 3 incidents when someone got too close or violated regs in some way. In each case I had an N95 on.

I don't fully understand how the immune system works. If the fever is the body fighting the infection, then why wouldn't taking meds to bring the fever down, hinder the bodies response?
Since I went public Monday a lot of people have told me they are sick too. I was insanely careful. I can think of only 3 incidents when someone got too close or violated regs in some way. In each case I had an N95 on.

It's everywhere now. Like you I have no clue where I got it from. Who knows.
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