The New Normal

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Yes I am sick. I guess I over estimated the cross pollination between the front page and the forum.

If the vaccine was that bad, they should probably just set up a firing squad instead.
Harv, the first year I got the flu vaccine, it totally sucked. Since then, it's been a breeze. Feel better.
Thanks everyone.

I seem to be in this new phase.

As it gets close to the end of the day, I prep for sleep by drinking the last of my water. Doc wants me to drink (4) 24 bottles a day. Easier said than done.

Invariably as I try to fall asleep I'm comfortable enough if slightly warm, on top of the sheets, with none of my shivering gear on. (I have down booties and a hat that I wear when I get the shivers.)

I fall asleep and starts to sweat like crazy, but for some reason I don't wake up. At some level I know what's going on, but can't wake up. It's accompanied by the most horrible nightmares.

On the upside, it's different so I hoping it's progression to something normal.

This am, I'm here in guest room prison hearing my wife unload the dishwasher. I can smell the coffee. All I want is to go out into the kitchen and have cup and talk to her.
Harv, the first year I got the flu vaccine, it totally sucked. Since then, it's been a breeze. Feel better.
I never intended to imply this was about the flu vaccine. It's covid.

I had the flu vaccine last summer. It makes no sense that it would, all of a sudden, effect me now, all at once, with symptoms that line up perfectly with covid, during the height of a covid pandemic. I have covid.

I seem to have been responsible for a lot of misinformation. My apologies.
I never intended to imply this was about the flu vaccine. It's covid.

I had the flu vaccine last summer. It makes no sense that it would, all of a sudden, effect me now, all at once, with symptoms that line up perfectly with covid, during the height of a covid pandemic. I have covid.

I seem to have been responsible for a lot of misinformation. My apologies.
I'm sorry I misunderstood Harv. Holy Sh&t. Take care of yourself.
Harvey, please do me a favor. Please. OK? According to my wife the biggest issue is shortness of breath. She made me promise her that if I experienced shortness of breath I was to immediately call my doctor and follow instructions. She was adamant about that. My buddy who was in ICU due to covid did not do that, he will tell you he waited 2 days too long to address his shortness of breath.
This am, I'm here in guest room prison hearing my wife unload the dishwasher. I can smell the coffee. All I want is to go out into the kitchen and have cup and talk to her.

You're lucky. My wife left me to go to her mothers house ---- LOL

(totally joking, she had to because of her work)
I’m sorry to hear what you’re going through. I hope you find some comfort sooner than later.
oh snap, take care of your self Harvey and know that you are in our thoughts
Harvey, please do me a favor. Please. OK? According to my wife the biggest issue is shortness of breath. She made me promise her that if I experienced shortness of breath I was to immediately call my doctor and follow instructions. She was adamant about that. My buddy who was in ICU due to covid did not do that, he will tell you he waited 2 days too long to address his shortness of breath.
Camp no shortness of breath. One thing that is odd is that my Blood 02, measured by one of those finger things has remained relatively high. My reading just now is 98, which about normal for me. Only had a few readings below 95. Doc seemed content with that.
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