The New Normal

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. . . but the long term affects of a vaccine rushed to market, not so much for me as I'm almost as old and ornery as you but for my kids & future grandkids
What I did professionally was work at a company in the Biostatistics Dept. that did clinical trials for drug development. I worked on more than one project that went thru FDA approval. Several of my Biostatistics graduate school schoolmates went to work for the FDA. I don't have any experience with a vaccine protocol though.

That said, I don't have a sense that the actual clinical trials in terms of patient recruitment and follow up was rushed. At least not by the companies based in the U.S. or western Europe. Those regulatory agencies will prioritize review of any reports submitted for vaccine trials. Each country does their own review. Ironically it was the countries with too much community spread that allowed the trials to finish the efficacy phases sooner rather than later. My sense is that finding willing volunteers wasn't that difficult in more than one country. Granted you can't have safety evaluations for more than about 6 months for a novel disease like COVID-19. I don't know how long is normally required for a vaccine. I think the followup is at least 2 years for the on-going clinical trials for the current vaccine candidates.

I think if you read the adverse effect list for any drug, there are more potential complications than for vaccines in general.
I wonder how many gazillions of dollars will be made on this, and who will make it. Sorry to sound syndical but that's just me.
If you want to participate in the gazillions being made you can the stock - Moderna (MRNA) and Pfizer (PFE).
Regarding transparency: the vaccine effort is pretty high profile so it is getting attention. Probably will get far more attention per dollar than the 3 trillion spent over the summer.

I'm not a market timer but now might not be the time to buy those stocks with optimism so high? Maybe wait until some people start to grow another head or something.

No it's not the $2B that scares me but the long term affects of a vaccine rushed to market, not so much for me as I'm almost as old and ornery as you but for my kids & future grandkids

I'm ok with not being first. But I'll take it when they tell me it's my turn.

IMO if you are willing get covid, you probably should be willing to take the vaccine. Both have risks I'm sure but no way to tell which risk is higher.

I'm sick of this f'ing PANDEMIC so shoot me up, doc.
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I'm sick of this f'ing quarantine
You’re not in quarantine. If I were pre-kids I might wait but as is, I’m all in for the vaccine as soon as it’s available. Enough people will be onboard that, together with the people that were infected and recovers, we’ll be in a better place pretty fast, I think.
You’re not in quarantine. If I were pre-kids I might wait but as is, I’m all in for the vaccine as soon as it’s available. Enough people will be onboard that, together with the people that were infected and recovers, we’ll be in a better place pretty fast, I think.

Indeed. European countries had way stricter quarantines than the stuff mandated in NJ. Like, you couldn't leave your house for anything. Exercise? You could go 1 kilometer and had to remain close by your house.
No it's not the $2B that scares me but the long term affects of a vaccine rushed to market, not so much for me as I'm almost as old and ornery as you but for my kids & future grandkids
The reason the vaccines are available so soon is that the smartest people have been working overtime on it, but mostly because the government guaranteed all the cost. Instead of doing several costly steps on after another, they were able to do them concurrently. That's different than rushing by cutting corners, and it's the big advantage of a free spending government.

OTOH most vaccines have at least a little risk, and I'll accept more risk than usual to control rona. I'm satisfied the an American vaccine is safe enough. Maybe I would wait a little longer before taking a vaccine from some authoritarian country without a record of transparency. but that's just me.

I'm all for it. I am always skeptical about the flu vaccine, but the Covid vaccines are coming in at 97 per cent. That sounds pretty good to me.

I am pretty far down the line in when I will get one, and I'm ok with that. I can't imagine being a front-line worker in this crap.

I'm all for it. I am always skeptical about the flu vaccine, but the Covid vaccines are coming in at 97 per cent. That sounds pretty good to me.

I've never had a flu shot but plan on getting one this year at my next doc appointment. I'll also get the Covid juice when the time comes.
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