The New Normal

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Growing up in the 70s, I remember that the local beers of choice were Genny Cream Ale, Matt's, and Utica Club with out-of-region favorites being Moosehead, Old Vienna, Piels, Schaefer, Rheingold, and Molson (especially their stronger Brador, you had to bring it back from north of the border!). I've mentioned elsewhere in the off-topic forum that I'm a regular visitor to the Nostalgic Syracuse Facebook page, which is a bottomless pit of all things CNY. Through it, I learned about Congress Beer (Haberle Brewery), which was around for more than a century; however, I never heard one word about it as a kid -- very odd.

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A trip down nostalgic lane :) So yeah I remember those beers you mentioned. Our choices were limited to pretty much the same style of beers just with different names. Oh yeah Brador ~6.2% was a coveted by me and my buds and we'd drive up and buy once in a while--- it was different and strong. Last I heard Brador was discontinued years ago. I also remember Coors was a big deal because it was only available Rockies and west. Overall back in those days Molson was probably my favorite brand. If we were feeling high class we'd buy some Lowenbrau--- remember it has the fancy foil around the top? :)

Today I'm now a beer snob and won't drink any of that stuff. Most the stuff I buy is like $4-6 a can! WTF :)
He probably thinks that Bill Gates is about to flip the “microchip activation switch”

I love how people like snoloco are like “you’re terrible, only my ideas are valid. I’m a knowledgeable intellectual” and then an antivaxxer comes on and says “hell yeah, snoloco’s ideas are definitely correct”
Sno is vaxed and boosted. He followed the rules he just didn't like the mask policy after he did what was right. This guy is the reason for the mask policies carrying on so long. If course he has the right to do what he wants but his ignorance created the need for masks longer.
Sno is vaxed and boosted. He followed the rules he just didn't like the mask policy after he did what was right. This guy is the reason for the mask policies carrying on so long. If course he has the right to do what he wants but his ignorance created the need for masks longer.
Yeah, it was more of a comment on attracting more flies with shitty posts.

Relatedly, I could adopt the “Bees don’t bother asking flies why they prefer horseshit to flowers” attitude, but if snoloco is as smart as everyone says he is, he should know to stay out of the horseshit (which he is hopefully doing. My opinion continues to be that he needs to spend some time offline, interacting with real people, and he needs to get laid).
attracting more flies with shitty posts.
That’s Adk Johnny and my job.

I like sno, but he can get into hysterics… MC’s Socialist, Collectivist Utopia as a desired outcome of covid. A million other examples.

I try to remember that I don’t really know almost any posters here personally, and therefore not take any of you too seriously (no offense, and I sure hope it’s reciprocal). But in moments where I actually try to get into sno’s head and gain perspective, it makes me wonder (and maybe worry?) about what his media intake is.

Message board flameouts (and we HAVE SEEN SOME DOOZIES around here) are always simultaneously cringey and funny. Train wreck stuff.
people are going to throw daggers at me..
Listen to Dr Osterholm on Yes Joe Rogen.. It's a real honest and informative pod cast...Dr Osterholm is all about the science and zero politics..
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