The New Normal

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Being the parent of an immuno-suppressed child for 27 years has somewhat desensitized me but I really have a hard time seeing mask mandates as much of a threat to my civil rights or inconvenience. I keep one in my back pocket like a hanky and throw it on if I or others around feel its needed

Happy Friday!

Should I have added “that affect you”? I thought it was implied.

Anyway, school mask mandate is over in New Jersey, will be over in NY on March 6th.

As I have said many times before: maybe people should just relax a little?
Hey Sno : sign up for Elon Musks Mars self sustaining city deal he plans that in the next 5 years ...sounds about right for you
Reading up on the Spanish flu in 1918 is a pretty good idea imho. We’ve done all of this before.
Yep, can be useful background. There are big differences though. The ability to create effective vaccines is an obvious one. Although a bigger factor is that COVID-19 was and is easily spread by people who have no idea that they are infectious. The 1918 disease was a horrible way to die apparently. People learned pretty quickly to stay away from anyone with symptoms. Air travel, the Internet, . . . the list goes on as to why the pandemic that started in 2020 will end somewhat differently than the one a century ago.
Not to sound insensitive, but I think lack of ski customer diversity is the least of our problems when it comes to the impacts of climate change.

I could be very wrong so please feel free to correct me--- As for snow making in general, even if the climate was not changing I don't think the ski industry could have ever grown to what it is today without snow making. I know my local mountain (Bristol) opened in 1964 had one or two runs, no snowmaking and was only open ~10 days a year and in an exceptional year I'm guessing may have been 30-40 days/year. Now with snowmaking they're open 120-140 days a year.

I'm not trying to diminish the impacts of climate change because I believe it's one of humanities greatest threats. But snow making would have increased even if the climate stayed the same simply because of the unreliability of natural snow, especially in the east. Without reliable snow this would have prohibited the growth of an industry to what we see today.
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