The New Normal

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The world is changing and fast. Go get ya some before it gets real weird and/or your locked down with adult responsibilities.
Yes, Sno. Go somewhere. West, North, wherever. Go large, ski your balls off, and don't look back.
Your words are concerning. Don't be constantly stressed. Been there, ain't healthy my Lil buddy.
Go be happy!!
@snoloco if ya went to Clarkson for engineering and like lifts and skiing these folks have some engineering openings in Grand Junction. It’s Yurpean so ya might be able to go to HQ on the company’s dime. Ya could go inspect the lifts too while getting paid if yer lucky.

Do what ya love and you’ll never work a day in yer life.
That's a nice aspirational thought; however, like many things in life, it's a YMMV deal. Sometimes, converting your passion into the way you earn a living ruins it. That said; I agree -- Sno should certainly pursue a career in ski infrastructure.
Sometimes, converting your passion into the way you earn a living ruins it.
This happened to me with ceramics.

That's why I don't want to try to make money with NYSB. The guy committed to fundraising can't be having fun.
Ok so here 's a different POV : based on 78 years of living and study

1. Life is whatever YOU make it .

2. winners in Life learn how to ADAPT and DEAL with circumstances .

3 . Perfection or Idealism is a LOUSY goal and because it neither exists nor is it attainable and often leads to a psychological phenomenon called the IFD syndrome . ( Idealism leads to Frustration which if unsatisfied leads to Demoralisation ) antidote ( see number 2 above ).

4. And heres a very harsh reality : Whatever you think it is , It ISN'T . Our inability to foresee un foreseeable events , circumstances and attitudes and behaviors in any location often leads to remorse . So be careful what you wish for , it is often NOT what it seems . Test things out for a period especially any contemplated major life changes .

And lastly your attitudes and "perceived " needs as you stretch and grow both psychologically and experientially WILL change . What seems important at the time may be altered as you ADAPT and DEAL with current reality .

Ok flame away. Boyz
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Ok so here 's a different POV : based on 78 years of living and study

1. Life is whatever YOU make it .

2. winners in Life learn how to ADAPT and DEAL with circumstances .

3 . Perfection or Idealism is a LOUSY goal and because it neither exists nor is it attainable and often leads to a psychological phenomenon called the IFD syndrome . ( Idealism leads to Frustration which if unsatisfied leads to Demoralisation ) antidote ( see number 2 above ).

4. And heres a very harsh reality : Whatever you think it is , It ISN'T . Our inability to foresee un foreseeable events , circumstances and attitudes and behaviors in any location often leads to remorse . So be careful what you wish for , it is often NOT what it seems . Test things out for a period especially any contemplated major life changes .

And lastly your attitudes and "perceived " needs as you stretch and grow both psychologically and experientially WILL change . What seems important at the time may be altered as you ADAPT and DEAL with current reality .

Ok flame away. Boyz
Thread drift: Warp thanks for dropping this wisdom. I have some recollection you are an academic. If I am correct would be interested in some of our stuff. Not an academic but trained to research so while sometimes stuff goes over my head (Covid scientific papers) I can usually squeeze some juice.

Back to your wisdom: my main goal for parenting is to work to install resiliency (I know I can't even control if my kids will be resilient) and to let them know they are loved. Process, not outcomes.

I'm 42, and one of the best gifts I have ever had is that I usually think I am wrong, which leads me to focus on thinking through an issue; that, if you have the right inputs and a good process, can lead to good decisionmaking outcomes. 100% is the perfect the enemy of the good.
Ok so here 's a different POV : based on 78 years of living and study

1. Life is whatever YOU make it .

2. winners in Life learn how to ADAPT and DEAL with circumstances .

3 . Perfection or Idealism is a LOUSY goal and because it neither exists nor is it attainable and often leads to a psychological phenomenon called the IFD syndrome . ( Idealism leads to Frustration which if unsatisfied leads to Demoralisation ) antidote ( see number 2 above ).

4. And heres a very harsh reality : Whatever you think it is , It ISN'T . Our inability to foresee un foreseeable events , circumstances and attitudes and behaviors in any location often leads to remorse . So be careful what you wish for , it is often NOT what it seems . Test things out for a period especially any contemplated major life changes .

And lastly your attitudes and "perceived " needs as you stretch and grow both psychologically and experientially WILL change . What seems important at the time may be altered as you ADAPT and DEAL with current reality .

Ok flame away. Boyz
Accept what it is, however it is because it already is.
Thread drift: Warp thanks for dropping this wisdom. I have some recollection you are an academic. If I am correct would be interested in some of our stuff. Not an academic but trained to research so while sometimes stuff goes over my head (Covid scientific papers) I can usually squeeze some juice.

Back to your wisdom: my main goal for parenting is to work to install resiliency (I know I can't even control if my kids will be resilient) and to let them know they are loved. Process, not outcomes.

I'm 42, and one of the best gifts I have ever had is that I usually think I am wrong, which leads me to focus on thinking through an issue; that, if you have the right inputs and a good process, can lead to good decisionmaking outcomes. 100% is the perfect the enemy of the good.
Ty Dom . You are right on target on both scores .

I am an academic ( former college president ) also owned an Executive / Leadership Development consulting outfit for 20 yrs .

BUT More importantly you are absolutely doing the right things with your children . Instilling the values you cite not only models successful behavior BUT gives them the tools they will need to reach their full potential , and that my friend is OUR greatest gift to our kids .

Have fun with them and make great memories while on the mountain ! They sustain you in later life !
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