The New Normal

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Definitely has been the biggest issue for me lately. I feel like the only way I will be happy and not constantly stressed out is if I move to a place that's less covid-obsessed. It sucks because I really like where I live now, but at the same time I feel like I have no choice but to leave it.
Get a good job in the ski industry in Idaho or Montana if ya want to & need a change of “scenery."
You like and know lifts. They’re hiring.
Do what ya love and you’ll never work a day in yer life.
Have yet to ski there but rumor has it that it ain’t bad some days.
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Definitely has been the biggest issue for me lately. I feel like the only way I will be happy and not constantly stressed out is if I move to a place that's less covid-obsessed. It sucks because I really like where I live now, but at the same time I feel like I have no choice but to leave it.
For me it's more about how it affects those around me. My own stress is gone.

But my 15 yo feels limited, her social circle is small and hasn't changed in two years. Slowly now other girls are coming into the picture and it is helping. My wife feels this all deeply too. Of course that affects me too.

Do you know anyone in NH? I guess @witch hobble and @riverc0il are the only people I know. What are the important best and worst things about NH guys? One thing, you'd ski a different set of mountains, and probably become and encyclopedia on NH and ME too. :)

It is was me, I'd certainly give it until summer, and if covid is way down, I'd be tempted to stay until fall to see if we are getting another wave. If we aren't, maybe problem solved? If we are, you can see what happens. Will there be mask mandates?

Personally I think we are right on verge of dumping mask mandates. From what I've seen everyone is done with them on both sides, vaxxed and unvaxxed. If you are vulnerable of live with someone who is, you'll wear an N95 indoors.
Do you know anyone in NH? I guess @witch hobble and @riverc0il are the only people I know. What are the important best and worst things about NH guys?

First, I’d suggest a better reason for moving than a perception of how you think the state’s political identity will affect your mental health.

But, seeing as we generally hemorrhage young people around here and like VT and Maine we are a very old state, average age wise……maybe we could use sno’s youthful enthusiasm (?) in the shire. High property taxes, housing shortage, crappy roads. Ocean, mountains, lakes, farms, old industrial cities in various stages of decay or comeback. It’s a good place to be.

A NY analogy: The White mountains have Adirondack high peak type elevation and scenery, but have Catskill like accessibility from the Bos-Wash megalopolis. The North-South interstate highway cuts right up between 4000’+ peaks. So you can get to cool places easily, but so can everyone else.

He went to Clarkson, so unless he has a niche I picture he’s looking for an engineer type job, which most likely puts him somewhere around Manchester, Nashua. Southern tier of the state…..actually lots and lots of people there more likely to be fleeing commie Massachusetts instead of commie NY. Maybe he’ll fit right in actually.
Hey Sno, how are your parents doing? At your age, spending a weekend at home and executing a classic “return to the womb” can be energizing. Hang out, eat some pop tarts, watch cartoons and ignore the outside world for two days. There’s nothing wrong with it as long as it doesn’t become a full time crutch. And I’m sure they’d be glad to have you.
I've heard of other instances where people fled New York State for the same reason, and ended up being much happier. That's really why I'm considering it. It's fine now with the numbers going down, but every time cases rise, the fearmongering, threats, and shaming are just relentless. I pretty much spent every day from late fall to now in constant fear that we were going to get slapped with pointless, punitive, and ineffective restrictions in a futile attempt to "slow the spread". It really made me feel like a prisoner, in that I had no control over decisions relating to my personal health. Seeing the actions the state health department taking, it sure looks like they are setting up to do this every winter. Let's say that covid isn't bad next winter, but there's a bad flu season. Are they going to try to mandate masks for that? It seems like a permanent shift to make our lives revolve around respiratory viruses. I've lived in New York State my whole life. I don't really want to leave, but I feel like it's never going to be the same here again. I was in New Hampshire at the peak of their Omicron wave, and yet it felt normal. It is possible to move on, even though it might require moving out.
I don't really think that's a good comparison. It's a difference of being in danger, vs unhappy. In the coming weeks/months, I might move out of New York State because I don't like it here anymore and want something different. I'm not fleeing an immanent war. I'm certainly glad I live in the United States.
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