The New Normal

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Here comes the pile-on. Given that the two of you ended up doing the same thing I did, it really shows that the two of you are just looking for a fight.
Where did anyone claim that anyone likes wearing masks? I explained what drove the mandate, why people complied, why the mandate was dropped and why many people now feel more comfortable not wearing a mask.

As for looking for a fight, wasn't it you that came here goading first?
I was at Whiteface this morning skiing with two friends. On our first gondola ride, it was the three of us, and they loaded a young woman and another gentleman, who I'm assuming was her father. The three of us did not have our masks up, but the other two people did. As the doors closed, it became apparent to me that the young woman was uncomfortable with us not wearing our masks, so I immediately pulled mine up.

I didn't do it because I had to, nor because I wanted to. I did it because it was clear that it would make her more comfortable, and at the end of the day, is it really that big a deal? On my subsequent rides up, where no one was wearing masks, I didn't wear mine either.

Sometimes, it's OK to do something for someone else just because it's the decent thing to do, instead of always thinking about yourself. Sadly, that seems to be a pretty foreign concept in today's world.
I was at Whiteface this morning skiing with two friends. On our first gondola ride, it was the three of us, and they loaded a young woman and another gentleman, who I'm assuming was her father. The three of us did not have our masks up, but the other two people did. As the doors closed, it became apparent to me that the young woman was uncomfortable with us not wearing our masks, so I immediately pulled mine up.

I didn't do it because I had to, nor because I wanted to. I did it because it was clear that it would make her more comfortable, and at the end of the day, is it really that big a deal? On my subsequent rides up, where no one was wearing masks, I didn't wear mine either.

Sometimes, it's OK to do something for someone else just because it's the decent thing to do, instead of always thinking about yourself. Sadly, that seems to be a pretty foreign concept in today's world.
Pish! You people…having respect and compassion for others. :sneaky:

It is nice not having to worry about a mask in the lodge at Platty today.
At our office we have a wide variety of covid nervousness among our coworkers. We sit at our desks unmasked if we want to, and pull up a mask when we get up to be in common area. It works pretty well. I have the fan running all the time, since September. None of our people have gotten sick (or had symptoms maybe) since we came back. We do have a lot of space, 3000 sq feet for 12 of us in the location.

I feel there are two groups who aren't anxious now. Those who never were anxious, and those who were but have been max vaxxed and maybe even had the vid once or twice. I'm in that second group.

My biggest concern now for covid is the mental health our society.
Mental health problems in the USA are nothing new, sadly.
Ever watch the Soft White Underbelly series?
My biggest concern now for covid is the mental health our society.
Definitely has been the biggest issue for me lately. I feel like the only way I will be happy and not constantly stressed out is if I move to a place that's less covid-obsessed. It sucks because I really like where I live now, but at the same time I feel like I have no choice but to leave it.
Definitely has been the biggest issue for me lately. I feel like the only way I will be happy and not constantly stressed out is if I move to a place that's less covid-obsessed. It sucks because I really like where I live now, but at the same time I feel like I have no choice but to leave it.
Sno, for what it is worth, while possibly temporary depending on what happens summer and winter surge, the numbers and steps suggest masks are going away or substantially reduced between now and the coming months.

I happen to be pro-mask, but no one can deny the mental health toll of all this. I believe this has been particularly hard for your age group down to high school and then extremely young kids to say 4 or 5 who didn't get pre-k normal socialization.
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