The New Normal

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Ty Dom . You are right on target on both scores .

I am an academic ( former college president ) also owned an Executive / Leadership Development consulting outfit for 20 yrs .

BUT More importantly you are absolutely doing the right things with your children . Instilling the values you cite not only models successful behavior BUT gives them the tools they will need to reach their full potential , and that my friend is OUR greatest gift to our kids .

Have fun with them and make great memories while on the mountain ! They sustain you in later life !
I'm somewhere in the middle between @Warp daddy and @DomB when it comes to life experience. I turned 65 in 2021, am the daughter of two academics (chemistry, social work) who were forced to immigrate by a major political shift in 1949 after returning to their home country with American Ph.D.'s, as professors, I opted to work in industry and not academia after finishing a Ph.D., and my daughter is about to graduate from college.

My mother not only modeled flexibility as her life shifted drastically due to history world events (Japan's invasion of China, Pearl Harbor, and so on, she actively told me family stories after I was an adult and later a parent. So what I didn't know about how my parents made family decisions wasn't lost because I wasn't born yet, or too young to remember. There are relevant stories I tell my daughter every so often, as well as my brother's daughter who is a bit older.
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I can not believe there’s so much talk about snoloco.

If he wants to stay, he’ll stay. If he wants to leave, he’ll leave. Personally, I think he’s too much of a scared, delicate flower to do anything requiring balls, so he’ll stay exactly where he is. And yes, that is a challenge.

Prove me wrong or STFU, sno.
I can not believe there’s so much talk about snoloco.

If he wants to stay, he’ll stay. If he wants to leave, he’ll leave. Personally, I think he’s too much of a scared, delicate flower to do anything requiring balls, so he’ll stay exactly where he is. And yes, that is a challenge.

Prove me wrong or STFU, sno.
Do you always have to be an asshole? How about posting something constructive once in a while or STFU?
Do you always have to be an asshole? How about posting something constructive once in a while or STFU?
It was constructive. I hope it’s motivating (because I agree with you guys).

He needs to move, but he’s not the kind of guy that would move. This is the way to get him to go. Have you met him, Ripitz?
I haven’t met him. Hopefully someday we can spin a few laps together. That goes for everyone here.
Sno is still a kid.
Navigating through strange times.
My kids are in their mid to late 20’s and say and do some harebrained stuff too.
I haven’t met him. Hopefully someday we can spin a few laps together. That goes for everyone here.
I’ve skied with him once and talked to him enough to know that he has some vacation time he’s been saving. He should use it to go to Portsmouth or North Conway and see if he can envision himself living there (although, really, he should fly to Bozeman or Boise & do that).
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