The New Normal

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Going to the gym with a mask on seriously sucks.
While not a germophobe, I was always creeped out by what was probably going on at gyms/sports clubs: people touching the equipment/not wiping off afterward, locker rooms, showers... blecch. COVID put the final nail in the coffin on that activity for me, which is a shame as I like working out on machines. Whether it's true or not, if there's one place that registers to me as a likely super spreader environment, that's it.
While I wasn't a fan of suspected uncleanliness, that didn't prevent me from going at least three times weekly over two decades to New York Sports Clubs in the city and NJ. I'd argue that a true germophobe wouldn't.
Did you ever see George Costanza urinating in the shower? :ROFLMAO:
This discussion reminds me of listening to Howard Stern in the early 00s when our previous president was a frequent (and very entertaining) guest. He often mentioned being a germophobe and especially not wanting to shake hands with the hundreds of people he met every day because "who the hell knew where their hands had been?" He proposed that bowing heads like in some Asian countries would be a better idea.
Forgot to finish my thought (which wasn't political) -- that what he said about bowing instead of shaking hands made sense to me, so who knows, maybe I am the g-word.
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