The New Normal

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Planet earth will be fine. Humans accepting one another needs some help.
The local Native Americans start out their “serious” discussions with stating of what they’re thankful for.
I was thankful to ski the local bump with some nice fresh snow and thought of it on the ride up.
There’s a lot to be thankful for.
Family, Friends, Dogs, birds, fish, trees, other plants ...
I like that.
Yes planet earth will be fine and remain fine for long after humans become extinct.
If we're comparing to World War 2, the draft was used because it was well, a world war with everything on the line. That's not what covid is.

Maybe they should draft folks to go to work instead of just giving out government cash.
Ya know, shovel ready stuff, like the new zipline and $30 Million lodge at the ski bowl.
Tram from there to the "main lodge", the whole shebang. That’ll fix things.
what about Nam?
Vietnam became an endless, unwinnable war, and the reasons for continuing to fight it were unclear, and young men were being sent overseas to die, to fight against what didn't seem to be much of a threat to the United States. The same thing happened with the "War on Terror". The way we are currently responding to covid has a lot of similarities to both. There is no clear strategy, no endgame, no consensus on what we want to accomplish, yet we're all expected to keep blindly following until those who "know better" tell us we've won, because that's what a good citizen does and otherwise you want people to die.
Vietnam became an endless, unwinnable war, and the reasons for continuing to fight it were unclear, and young men were being sent overseas to die, to fight against what didn't seem to be much of a threat to the United States. The same thing happened with the "War on Terror". The way we are currently responding to covid has a lot of similarities to both. There is no clear strategy, no endgame, no consensus on what we want to accomplish, yet we're all expected to keep blindly following until those who "know better" tell us we've won, because that's what a good citizen does and otherwise you want people to die.
If I were building a ski list I would have my own opinions. Ultimately I would defer to people who make lift building their job. Same with the virus.
You did and followed the rules. The people who didn't are delaying herd immunity. You know that. Saying the hell with them ok going to do what I want us the natural gut reaction. Reality you have to live with your decision.
I'll continue to follow the rules best I can and let the chips fall where they may.
Vietnam became an endless, unwinnable war, and the reasons for continuing to fight it were unclear, and young men were being sent overseas to die, to fight against what didn't seem to be much of a threat to the United States. The same thing happened with the "War on Terror". The way we are currently responding to covid has a lot of similarities to both. There is no clear strategy, no endgame, no consensus on what we want to accomplish, yet we're all expected to keep blindly following until those who "know better" tell us we've won, because that's what a good citizen does and otherwise you want people to die.
So I guess then all things considered and when compared to the deep sacrifices made by other generations, being asked to wear a mask in crowded indoor settings is a pretty small ask.

As for all your other comments about the virus you talk like you think you know what you're talking about. Serious question, who are you getting your information and subsequent anger from?

You seem to do a lot of complaining about anything. For example being upset because ski areas weren't posting their firm opening dates on their websites, and that it was an inconvenience to you. It's almost as if you weren't seeing the reality of the very uncertain weather earlier this season.
Vietnam became an endless, unwinnable war, and the reasons for continuing to fight it were unclear, and young men were being sent overseas to die, to fight against what didn't seem to be much of a threat to the United States. The same thing happened with the "War on Terror". The way we are currently responding to covid has a lot of similarities to both. There is no clear strategy, no endgame, no consensus on what we want to accomplish, yet we're all expected to keep blindly following until those who "know better" tell us we've won, because that's what a good citizen does and otherwise you want people to die.
Nothing similar.
Soldiers follow orders, we civilians do not, even when it benefits us.
Soldiers follow orders, we civilians do not, even when it benefits us.
Soldiers follow orders against their own self interest, to the point of giving their lives. Civilians should be happy to follow rules that protect their health. Ignoring scientific public health advice because you think you know more than actual experts or just to show you are free to do that falls somewhere on the Venn diagram of "crazy" and "foolish."

So I guess then all things considered and when compared to the deep sacrifices made by other generations, being asked to wear a mask in crowded indoor settings is a pretty small ask.
I'm not comparing the level of sacrifice. I'm comparing the messaging, and the fact that it's so hard to move on from either scenario.

As for all your other comments about the virus you talk like you think you know what you're talking about. Serious question, who are you getting your information and subsequent anger from?
I don't claim to know everything, but based on what I do know, I'm going to do whatever I can to live as I did in 2019 without any caveats. As for anger, I've spent the last 2 years living in this blue state dystopian hellscape. That's two years spent under a set of incredibly arbitrary and heinous rules, at the mercy of a single person, with no data, no metrics, and no checks and balances. Most of the country doesn't have to worry about the shit we have to deal with on a daily basis, and then we have the EXACT SAME FUCKING RESULT as the places that didn't even try. Kids have been locked out of school for upwards of a year, businesses decimated, most offices still empty, crime up, tourism down, and we still ended up with one of the highest case rates in the world. Everyone got crushed by covid. We just added a bunch of other suffering on top of that. I don't understand why everyone isn't as enraged as I am.
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