The New Normal

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I wasn’t talking about covid.
Okay yeah I agree then. I feel we're in a pretty bad place as a nation and a world--- not because most people are inherently evil, but easily lulled into controversial issues and influencers making people feel as if they need to chose sides. There's too much fighting over a lot of nonsense rather than focusing on things we enjoy together. I put a lot of blame on social media and opinion based news --- those organizations are profiting handsomely at our expense by whipping people into a frenzy, dividing us and feeding dangerous toxic tribalism. Climate change, the pandemic and the list goes on and on, all politicized and dividing.

But then again I also consider other generations. My grandparents and my parents as children dealt w/WW2 and the aftermath for years--- fear, product rationing and shortages, price controls, blackouts and air raid drills. I could only imagine the bellyaching from many people today that appear have a very entitled attitudes.

In my youth there was the specter of nuclear war with the Russia. I can remember having air raid drills in school. A siren would blow and we'd duck and cover under our desks--- and that was in the early 70's. Pretty scary stuff for a kid.

Most of us here are old enough to remember the horror of Sept 11, 2001. The absolute sickness and fear, and major life changes that occurred as a result for all of us. Some here I bet even had friends murdered that day. We endured.

With that all said, while we've endured a lot over the years, what's different and most concerning this time is we're more divided. There's such political barriers to working together to solve problems. The fueling of toxic tribalism that is dividing us while other's profit from this dangerous act. We're on a pretty bad trajectory right now but my family and I chose to live our lives being happy and kind to others and that often is contagious.
I wasn’t talking about covid. It’s more about the relationship between drug use and an unhealthy society and extremely grim outlook for the health of the planet that supports us.
Planet earth will be fine. Humans accepting one another needs some help.
The local Native Americans start out their “serious” discussions with stating of what they’re thankful for.
I was thankful to ski the local bump with some nice fresh snow and thought of it on the ride up.
There’s a lot to be thankful for.
Family, Friends, Dogs, birds, fish, trees, other plants ...
My life has been pretty much chaos since May 2019. My son graduated from college and moved out in May. Mom's cancer worsened over the summer. She died in September of 2019. My son's long time gf broke up with him in December. Cue the pandemic and going remote for 18 months. My son got transferred to NJ in the spring of 2020. I watched NJ covid numbers as well as NY. (He's back in Rachacha now.) Things were promising last summer. We had three weeks of joy, and then came Delta. Masks came back out. I go back on campus. Omicron happens. I go remote for a week... Tralalala.

In some ways, I think it is easier that all the chaos has happened in a short time. It's kind of like all the pieces of my life were tossed in the air. I have survived everything, so far, by making sure I get on my pony 6 days a week, weather dependent, running, yoga, skiing in the winter, and keeping a sense of humor and a full wine cellar.
Eating Itillian high class restaurant local with great friends at my favorite new Carlos pizzeria restaurant with bar awesome meals coffee and lunch special very close to new apartment other side of Middletown we all wore the masks on way in then it was all good to take off when we asked good seeing friends like before covid started I had excellent
Sausage and broccoli raba with pasaata and coffee as good as best restaurants highest quality service and food and little nice bar area perfect for me lol
New normal wihic is very good for me with covid shots like this restaurant in Middletown NY a lot???????????????????
Sausage and broccoli raba with pasaata and coffee as good as best restaurants highest quality service and food and little nice bar area perfect for me lol
New normal wihic is very good for me with covid shots like this restaurant in Middletown NY a lot???????????????????
I was just looking at a recipe for pasta with sausage and broccoli rabe! What a great combo!
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