The New Normal

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Any update here?
Based on your question, I'm guessing no?

When the last 2 pages of a thread are just you and another person calling each other names, it's time to re-evaluate your approach.
When the last 2 pages of a thread are just you and another person calling each other names, it's time to re-evaluate your approach.
Funny reading, I’m past all this crap, I know where I stand. I will not try and convince anyone to feel the way I do.

I will say vaccine and masks do not work, isn’t it obvious? Numbers are as high if not higher post vaccine and masks mandates, does that make sense? Ya ya you’ll probably say it would have been worse. How do you know? If you can see the future please send me the next lotto numbers please.

Don’t people see the media influence? Funny how reports of children getting covid spike as they are pushing the vaccine for children, there’s many more.

People in high place’s are getting rich off this virus and I’m sure they would like to keep the train rolling…so keep the fear rolling right.

Most scientific articles I’ve seen on this post are from left leaning sources or they receive money from the government. I take little stock in any of it.

You follow the science people can I ask you a question, isn’t it smart to question science? Isn’t science in itself to question science?

My opinion is covid will be around for awhile and it’s been long over due to learn to live with it. Work on therapeutics as opposed to vaccines.

I continue to go through life maskless unvaccinated and unafraid

Go skiing people
Funny reading, I’m past all this crap, I know where I stand. I will not try and convince anyone to feel the way I do.

I will say vaccine and masks do not work, isn’t it obvious? Numbers are as high if not higher post vaccine and masks mandates, does that make sense? Ya ya you’ll probably say it would have been worse. How do you know? If you can see the future please send me the next lotto numbers please.

Don’t people see the media influence? Funny how reports of children getting covid spike as they are pushing the vaccine for children, there’s many more.

People in high place’s are getting rich off this virus and I’m sure they would like to keep the train rolling…so keep the fear rolling right.

Most scientific articles I’ve seen on this post are from left leaning sources or they receive money from the government. I take little stock in any of it.

You follow the science people can I ask you a question, isn’t it smart to question science? Isn’t science in itself to question science?

My opinion is covid will be around for awhile and it’s been long over due to learn to live with it. Work on therapeutics as opposed to vaccines.

I continue to go through life maskless unvaccinated and unafraid

Go skiing people
I'm past it all too.
I'm vaccinated and unafraid.
I'll wear a mask when required out of respect for the business owner only, not because someone told me to.
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This is just a lie.

If you had strong points, you wouldn’t have to lie.

This seems silly to me. Trump was one of the first ones to be vaxed, and encouraged everyone to do the same. In fact, wasn't he recently booed at his own rally for telling people to get vaxed?
I point this out, not as a Trump fan, rather as someone who feels this health crisis never should've been turned political. It's not. It's a global health issue, period. IMHO.
This seems silly to me. Trump was one of the first ones to be vaxed, and encouraged everyone to do the same. In fact, wasn't he recently booed at his own rally for telling people to get vaxed?
I point this out, not as a Trump fan, rather as someone who feels this health crisis never should've been turned political. It's not. It's a global health issue, period. IMHO.
Remember that he also did all that while giving a wink and a nod to the Fire Fauci people, undermining his own health experts at almost every turn along the way. Especially once we entered the heart of election season.

His inability to have a clear message hurt the country’s response.
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