The New Normal

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I agree with Sno in a lot of ways and I think that masking may have slowed down the process of getting us beyond this junk. Obviously that’s not the moral thing to say but nature doesn’t care about human concepts such as morals and ethics. Nature kills off the vulnerable and weak all the time for a healthier herd and ecosystem. You can think I’m a dick for saying that but that’s reality.

Of course we had to try to protect people and do what we thought was right but did that give us the best possible outcome? That’s hard to say and we’ll probably never really know but I I think it’s all questionable.
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For me the only time a mask is really a PITA is coming into a lodge midday. Unless you leave your mask looped around your ears all day, you have to take your helmet off. As a boy, once the trees are in play, I really don't have to come inside at all midday, so looking forward to that.
I rigged up a Primal mask so that I can hang it around my neck. That way I always have it available as needed. I like the Primal because there is a plastic frame that keeps it away from the mouth. It also stays in place better if talking.

For just a restroom break, I may or may not use the Primal depending on the situation.

Timberline in WV redid the old trail level restrooms that had exterior doors over the summer. The old restrooms were very small. Perfect set up now for a place that isn't too busy that often. There are three unisex private restrooms with exterior doors, and three that are indoors. They added a regular multi-stall restroom opposite the ticket desk on the lower level, which also has doors to the base area slope.
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For just a restroom break, I may or may not use the Primal depending on the situation.

Timberline in WV redid the old trail level restrooms that had exterior doors over the summer. The old restrooms were very small. Perfect set up now for a place that isn't too busy that often. There are three unisex private restrooms with exterior doors, and three that are indoors. They added a regular multi-stall restroom opposite the ticket desk on the lower level, which also has doors to the base area slope.
Sometimes it just depends ...
Of course we had to try to protect people and do what we thought was right but did that give us the best possible outcome? That’s hard to say and we’ll probably never really know but I I think it’s all questionable.
I watched the early lab tests showing how aerosols spread. They were done in 2020 in Japan and Europe. Once it was clear that SARS-CoV-2 can float around in tiny aerosols and doesn't need droplets (like from a sneeze), the fact that Japan had more limited community spread in the first half of 2020 made sense. Even with full subway cars and buses.

The problem with too much emphasis on masking after vaccination became an option for all adults is that it really only makes a big difference if everyone is masked. Unless someone is using KN95 or N95 and is completely consistent about how it fits and when they have it on, a mask isn't going to be fully protective against infection.

In the early days, wearing a mask meant strangers tended to stay farther away. That still seems to be the case when a place isn't that crowded. I didn't mask until it was required around April 2020 and I don't always mask. Distance and keeping the potential exposure to a stranger to a short time (under 5 min) is far more effective. There are times I simply hold my breath while walking out of a gas station after being in the restroom.
For me the only time a mask is really a PITA is coming into a lodge midday. Unless you leave your mask looped around your ears all day, you have to take your helmet off. As a boy, once the trees are in play, I really don't have to come inside at all midday, so looking forward to that.

Do you not feel that a neck warmer pulled up over mouth and nose qualifies as a mask. It’s not as good as medical style or n95, but many people are using cloth ear loop masks. If the material is the same, don’t you yhink it’s adequate?
So far, I've only bothered to get tested once. Felt off one afternoon after a trip in July 2021 to PA/NYC. Slept it off and felt fine the next morning. Back then, getting a free PCR test with no waiting was easy at a lab near my house. Came back negative.

My daughter and her BF flew to Boston in early Jan 2022. The friend they stayed with for a few days happened to come across a drugstore with rapid tests. She gave them a box (2 tests). We decided to have the BF use them a couple days after they returned to NC. He has allergies, so it's hard to tell if his symptoms are from the typical reasons or minor COVID-19 symptoms. He's working full-time, mostly in-person at the office. They are both fully vaccinated and boosted (worked in healthcare in early 2021). He tested negative the first time and 48 hours later. She never had symptoms. I told her not to bother to get tested at Student Health (she's still in college).
Milo I bet you can express those same ideas without going all red state blue state on us.
The scientific issues are all mostly being resolved, and the interesting questions are mostly political because one side rejects the science. It's clear that vaccination, lenient work from home and paid sick leave policies and support for hospoitals that are experiencing a surge of patients is the way out of this, but one party has made anti-vaxxers a mainstream thing. It's the same dynamic that prevents meaningful action to address global warming. Avoid unpleasant policy solutions by denying the obvious truth of the science.
We can't discuss politics because politics has become intentionally divisive. We can't even agree on who won an election, or even how to count votes. It's a slow motion constiutional crisis, and if we ignore it we're screwed.
I'm out now. I said everything I have to say on the topic. I won't post here again.

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