The New Normal

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How are people's lives being restricted?
How has COVID controlled ever aspect of your life?
You bring the drama Lil buckaroo
If South Africa is a guide, there won’t even be masking rules in a couple of weeks. It just feels like a classic “why won’t Whiteface open the lifts sooner?!?” Snoloco rant.

Like I said, everyone wants COVID to be over, only a few people are saying “I want an Oompah Loompah NOW!”
At Plattekill yesterday, I was one of a small handful of people wearing a mask in the crowded lodge. Is that the way it is everywhere?
It was that way in the grocery store this AM. I walked in with my mask, and then took it off as I was seemingly the one in there. Put it on at the register to check out.
How my mind has changed.

I don't personally feel the threat of covid the way I did before. Three shots, covid alpha once, and let's face it I've probably had omni too. After I went to that gymnastics meet with 1000 mostly unmasked and didn't get sick, at all, I'm thinking I'm probably ok, for a least a while.

Obviously that's completely unscientific. I'll get tested if I feel bad, or come close to someone who has symptoms. I still wear my mask indoors, unless the place is empty. Even then too if it is a rule (Gore 7:30am). I'm doing it to protect others, and also follow the rules. I'm skiing normally, except maybe avoiding the gondi at times. Not sure the gondi thing is actually logical, but whatever.

For me the only time a mask is really a PITA is coming into a lodge midday. Unless you leave your mask looped around your ears all day, you have to take your helmet off. As a boy, once the trees are in play, I really don't have to come inside at all midday, so looking forward to that.

Not saying my way is right or anything like that. It's just what I am doing. I could change my mind again.

Flame away.
At loon it was 30%
In our local shoprite about 99% wear them
The way I see it
If the employees have to wear them. I will too. Showing respect to the people that have to deal with the public.
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