The New Normal

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I’m really tired of stupid rules being enforced or public judgement/shaming. Ski area staffing is already having problems retaining employees, does anyone want to enforce dumb rules on an already frustrated public for minimum wage? I can’t support any of that.

If you are concerned about you and yours well being then you should probably be the one focused on social distancing and not judging others.
If you look at my original post I tried to imply that once the woods open up, I won't go inside. When only showcase is open, or terrain is very limited peeing on the trail doesn't seem like a great option
Typical freeheeler….. doesn’t want to fuss with bindings! I step off trail and find a tree or snowmaking shack to piss behind.

I’m lucky to be at a point where my kids are fully functioning/independent skiers. Most of my days are half days. I have totally adapted to booting up at the car and staying outside. The mountain is missing out on the ~$100 or so that I might have spent at the bar over the course of a season. Sorry bartenders!

I wear the gaiter, have a surgical mask in a ziplock in my coat pocket, and stay away from people.
I’m really tired of stupid rules being enforced or public judgement/shaming. Ski area staffing is already having problems retaining employees, does anyone want to enforce dumb rules on an already frustrated public for minimum wage? I can’t support any of that.
I totally agree about stupid rules, whatever they may be. I do agree with following mandates, even if I disagree with them, simply because the only ones who can get hurt by someone not following them is the biz owner, not the one violating the mandate. I don't want to be the reason __________ had to get fined, closed up, or whatevs.
If you are concerned about you and yours well being then you should probably be the one focused on social distancing and not judging others.
Completely agree with this. If you're heading to a place where you know people won't be wearing masks don't get all bothered by it when you see it. The reverse of that is if you're heading to a place where you know masks are required don't be bothered when you see it.
The scientific issues are all mostly being resolved, and the interesting questions are mostly political because one side rejects the science. It's clear that vaccination, lenient work from home and paid sick leave policies and support for hospoitals that are experiencing a surge of patients is the way out of this, but one party has made anti-vaxxers a mainstream thing. It's the same dynamic that prevents meaningful action to address global warming. Avoid unpleasant policy solutions by denying the obvious truth of the science.
We can't discuss politics because politics has become intentionally divisive. We can't even agree on who won an election, or even how to count votes. It's a slow motion constiutional crisis, and if we ignore it we're screwed.
I'm out now. I said everything I have to say on the topic. I won't post here again.


Milo I'm not chasing you off. You're a bit of a crank for sure, but from what I see, you think a lot about common good.

Another approach, that makes the same point, and hey everyone knows what you mean:

"I like living in a state where the govt is actively encouraging vaccination and other measures to mitigate the pandemic."
Typical freeheeler….. doesn’t want to fuss with bindings!

This is very funny. I never thought about this but actually think you might be right.

I have to take off my skis to go inside right?
I totally agree about stupid rules, whatever they may be. I do agree with following mandates, even if I disagree with them, simply because the only ones who can get hurt by someone not following them is the biz owner, not the one violating the mandate. I don't want to be the reason __________ had to get fined, closed up, or whatevs.

Completely agree with this. If you're heading to a place where you know people won't be wearing masks don't get all bothered by it when you see it. The reverse of that is if you're heading to a place where you know masks are required don't be bothered when you see it.
Yep. All of that. I’m not trying to rock the boat and if something is posted I respect that.
At some point though we have to draw a line. It’s extremely easy to get carried away in all of this, especially if safety cops go unchecked and people want public mask wearing to stay as the new normal.

From my experience if you give these people an inch, they'll take a mile. I won't give them an inch. Assume anything being done now will be permanent, or at least done every winter. I don't see how January 2023 will be any different than January 2022.
From my experience if you give these people an inch, they'll take a mile. I won't give them an inch. Assume anything being done now will be permanent, or at least done every winter. I don't see how January 2023 will be any different than January 2022.
What people are you talking about taking a mile and what are you going to do about it?

On the counterpoint I'm in a crowded Wegmans today and there's hundreds of people in there complying with masks. I saw only 6 out of hundreds without masks. I have zero fear of the virus but it takes a special kind of self-centered ass hole lacking common decency toward their fellow man to strut around maskless without regard to others.

If you don't like it then don't go.
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