The New Normal

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My oldest sons family has it again. They had it last year when they lived in KS . Got vacations over the summer and now living in AZ got it last week. She said she feels worse with this go-round.
They’ve been stressed out with the move and working crazy hours

She is bouncing back quickly thank goodness.
Vacations have been proven to help ya bounce back from stress and working crazy hours.
Heck, I rode sled, drank beer, and smoked weed the entire time I had it not knowing I had it. I thought it was just a cold.
Well, well, well --- apparently I was onto something ;)
Well, well, well --- apparently I was onto something ;)
This explains EVERYTHING...
I'm not sure it really effects ski areas because many of them already required the vaccine for employees, some going beyond the proposed OSHA rule by not allowing a test option.
My oldest sons family has it again. They had it last year when they lived in KS . Got vacations over the summer and now living in AZ got it last week. She said she feels worse with this go-round.
They’ve been stressed out with the move and working crazy hours,I’m sure that doesn’t help.

She was exposed to someone 7 days before testing positive.So much for the 5 day recommendation.
It’s everywhere here in Arizona right now. Cody’s friends all had it over the holiday break but she ended up with a negative result. That’s weird since they were all together, going to movies and having sleep overs as they all started to get it. I’ve been heavily exposed on several occasions that I know about and haven’t gotten it again, or at least that I know of.
It’s everywhere here in Arizona right now. Cody’s friends all had it over the holiday break but she ended up with a negative result. That’s weird since they were all together, going to movies and having sleep overs as they all started to get it. I’ve been heavily exposed on several occasions that I know about and haven’t gotten it again, or at least that I know of.
Omicron is no joke. I had it; my kid has it, I know more than a few people that caught it despite masking and social distancing.
Omicron is no joke. I had it; my kid has it, I know more than a few people that caught it despite masking and social distancing.
I had the vid so bad during the first week of January 2020 I told myself nope, never again. I truly believe my immune system agreed and has double downed on not allowing that shit to take hold again. In February of 21 I was in a closed vehicle with a coworker for 3 hours and he was sick and positive two days later. I didn’t catch it then. The last few weeks all of my daughters friends tested positive and again, we got nuthin. None of this is based on science but I tend to go with my gut on most things and we are still keeping things as safe as possible but we’re not going to stop living.

I was even told on this forum that I couldn’t have had the vid in January of 20 because the media hadn’t confirmed it was around at that time but later it was stated to likely have been around since the fall. I knew I had it. It royally f-d me up. It was seriously trying to kill me.

Omicron may be more transmissible but the affects from what I’ve heard aren’t nearly as terrible for most people.
I had the vid so bad during the first week of January 2020 I told myself nope, never again. I truly believe my immune system agreed and has double downed on not allowing that shit to take hold again. In February of 21 I was in a closed vehicle with a coworker for 3 hours and he was sick and positive two days later. I didn’t catch it then. The last few weeks all of my daughters friends tested positive and again, we got nuthin. None of this is based on science but I tend to go with my gut on most things and we are still keeping things as safe as possible but we’re not going to stop living.

I was even told on this forum that I couldn’t have had the vid in January of 20 because the media hadn’t confirmed it was around at that time but later it was stated to likely have been around since the fall. I knew I had it. It royally f-d me up. It was seriously trying to kill me.

Omicron may be more transmissible but the affects from what I’ve heard aren’t nearly as terrible for most people.
I was lucky; I've had colds that were worse than omicron. My child unfortunately isn't so lucky. We're fortunate to be vaxxed. Some local municipalities are re-instituting mask mandates.
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