The New Normal

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Just a simple request to look at your coronavirus post. If the word skiing is in it put it in the other thread.
Well actually I think it's more like vaxed people reduce the spread. My understanding is that vaxed people are contagious for a shorter period of time because they can produced antibodies quickly to stop the replication of the virus within their bodies. Because of this vaxed people should have lower viral load and the duration of that load is shorter thus reducing the spread.
That’s what I was just explaining to my wife. We rung in the NewYear with COVID, the whole family of 5 infected.

Being a teacher my wife has to stay home, but she was wondering why vaccinated people can return to work sooner than unvaccinated people. That right there ? is the answer I believe.

There are many ways the vaccines are helpful, this among them. For the same reason it seems the severity and duration of illness is less. God willing I don’t get worse….but three days in and I haven’t even needed an Advil to treat symptoms, just a box of tissues.

But…but….I’m fully vaccinated AND boostered and I STILL got COVID, so clearly the vaccine MUST be useless! That’s the frustrating thing with the anti-vax/anti-mask crowd, IMHO. They are too quick with the AH-HAs…..and too slow to recognize the benefits. After all, it was never my impression that vaccines and masks would prevent people from getting sick. Slow and reduce spread, help protect (to some degree) those more vulnerable? Sure, but vaccines and masks were never sold as a panacea.
JTG and Peter..... y'all be cool, k?
Glad you guys aren't too bad and pray it stays that way.
2 co-workers of mine have their mothers in ICU with this crap. Neither of them on a ventilator, but one on 13mil of 02 and the other on 15. Not cool.
I was thinking a vaxxed person would also sneeze and cough a lot less if they did get covid. Thus creating less opportunity to spread it in the air. I think I'm finally over the hump of this omicron. Tested positive Sunday.
Cornell has gone for virtual instruction through February 4. I will be working remotely through (at least) January 18. I am glad that I brought my office plants home!
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