The New Normal

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Sorry I realized I said I would unlock this thread, apparently I forgot.

Can anyone help me find a chart or graphic that illuminates the timeline line, for the rise and fall of omicron? shows the picture of Covid in a shocking and amazing fashion. Metro NY has been 2-4 weeks ahead of the rest of the country each waive.
My mother in-law had 10 kids, when one got the chickenpox she had them all play together to get it over with.

Seems like that’s what’s happening now , maybe the powers that be thinks since Omicron isn’t as deadly, get it over with?

Here it is for South Africa, looks like 2-3 weeks up and 2-3 weeks down:

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Here it is for South Africa, looks like 2-3 weeks up and 2-3 weeks down:
Keep in mind that as Omicron pushed out Delta, there were detected cases from both. What's impossible to know is how fast community spread of Omicron was really happening because there were probably more undetected cases. Seems clear that more people with Omicron have no symptoms or mild symptoms, even if they are not vaccinated.

People who have serious illness due to COVID-19 can be in big trouble. But they are a minority for any variant. The number of people who should be listed as "recovered" is greater than the number of people who were hospitalized around the world.
It really helps to limit the timeframe for any graph. Here is a look at South Africa and a few of the other African countries that were in travel bans imposed right after Omicron was identified and declared a Variant of Concern by WHO in late November 2021.

Even though looking at normalized data per million is a good idea for comparison, also should be aware of the population involved. South Africa is 60 million, Mozambique 32 million, Zimbabwe 19 million, and Namibia only about 3 million. I had Botswana in the graph at first but with only 3 million people the trend is not as useful. My impression is that the healthcare system of South Africa is the most developed. It's one of the best countries when it comes to genomic sequencing.

When I compare stats for US states I try to stick to the same region and about the same population. Comparing VT to NY is useless. Comparing FL with AL isn't any better. Comparing FL to NE is silly.

Remember the talk about "exponential growth" back in early 2020? Think about what happens when the timeframe for passing on COVID-19 is compressed. Doubling every 1-2 days leads to big numbers very, very quickly. It did in Italy and NYC in Feb-Apr 2020. It's happening again with Omicron. But the situation is very different in terms of immunity from both vaccination and recovery from COVID-19 in the last 12-18 months.

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For those who read NY Times articles . . .

January 5, 2022

December 31, 2021

December 28, 2021
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