The New Normal

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A look at the variation on how well a sample of countries deal with genomic sequencing. It's a relatively new feature on Our World In Data. The CDC info about variants by state are based on samples made available by individual states. There is enough info to come up with an educated guess for the country as a whole. But certainly not as accurate as what Denmark can do for their population.

My guess is the Germany has had Omicron for a while. They are strong trading partners with South Africa. Germany doesn't do much with genomic testing.

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Wow, kudos to Harvey for keeping these threads open! Free exchange of ideas is the best way to discover the truth; funny how "big tech" (Twitter, FB, YT, etc.) are hell bent on denying any claim that perhaps the vaccines may not be as useful as once thought.

What I've learned through all of this is that most of those who have chosen to take the shots, freely or otherwise, will defend their decision to the bitter end. For them, it's a horrifying thought that they may have been sold a bill of goods or worse, that there may be long term consequences for their decisions. As I always say, to each his/her own. I respect your choice; please respect mine. (Actually, I don't care if you respect my choice, just leave me alone.)

What bothers me is the logical contortions that the "pro-vaxxers" have to make to convince themselves that they are right.
1) The original trial results claimed "~95% efficacy" for not contracting covid. What most people didn't realize that they were referring to "relative" efficacy. If you look at "absolute" efficacy, it's more like 0.8%.
2) A vaccine should protect you from contracting a disease. Clearly this isn't the case with the covid shot.
3) The common mantra "I was vaxxed and still contracted Covid but thankfully my symptoms are mild" isn't scientific. Most Covid cases are mild if you do not have comorbidities and are otherwise healthy.

Then there is the mask issue. The CDC and even our local doctors here in Syracuse are now saying that a cloth mask is useless and you should wear a surgical or N95 mask. No kidding, except for the fact that a surgical mask is also useless and an N95 mask, unless properly fitted, is also nearly useless. Breathing requires air flow, period.

Anyway, let's hope it starts snowing here in the NE so we can forget about all of this crap and do some skiing. It's the one thing we all love and a couple of large snow storms will relegate this conversation to the dust heap.
Found stats for breakthrough cases in NY. Assuming Omicron is the becoming the dominant variant starting some time in November, seems pretty clear that vaccination is helpful in terms of having fewer detected cases. May well be more undetected cases among vaccinated people, but not sure that matters too much. Would be better if anyone who is infectious knew they had COVID-19 so that they would avoid infecting others. But all along there have been people who haven't known they had COVID-19 because they didn't have noticeable symptoms.

The point of this graph is to see if there is support for the idea that vaccination is helpful against Omicron, as well as Delta and earlier variants.

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Wow, kudos to Harvey for keeping these threads open! Free exchange of ideas is the best way to discover the truth; funny how "big tech" (Twitter, FB, YT, etc.) are hell bent on denying any claim that perhaps the vaccines may not be as useful as once thought.

What I've learned through all of this is that most of those who have chosen to take the shots, freely or otherwise, will defend their decision to the bitter end. For them, it's a horrifying thought that they may have been sold a bill of goods or worse, that there may be long term consequences for their decisions. As I always say, to each his/her own. I respect your choice; please respect mine. (Actually, I don't care if you respect my choice, just leave me alone.)

What bothers me is the logical contortions that the "pro-vaxxers" have to make to convince themselves that they are right.
1) The original trial results claimed "~95% efficacy" for not contracting covid. What most people didn't realize that they were referring to "relative" efficacy. If you look at "absolute" efficacy, it's more like 0.8%.
2) A vaccine should protect you from contracting a disease. Clearly this isn't the case with the covid shot.
3) The common mantra "I was vaxxed and still contracted Covid but thankfully my symptoms are mild" isn't scientific. Most Covid cases are mild if you do not have comorbidities and are otherwise healthy.

Then there is the mask issue. The CDC and even our local doctors here in Syracuse are now saying that a cloth mask is useless and you should wear a surgical or N95 mask. No kidding, except for the fact that a surgical mask is also useless and an N95 mask, unless properly fitted, is also nearly useless. Breathing requires air flow, period.

Anyway, let's hope it starts snowing here in the NE so we can forget about all of this crap and do some skiing. It's the one thing we all love and a couple of large snow storms will relegate this conversation to the dust heap.
Wow is right. You don't need to defend your choice of not being vaxed, not sure why you feel as though you do.
Engineers pretending to be medical doctors are hard to take seriously.
Wow, kudos to Harvey for keeping these threads open! Free exchange of ideas is the best way to discover the truth; funny how "big tech" (Twitter, FB, YT, etc.) are hell bent on denying any claim that perhaps the vaccines may not be as useful as once thought.

What I've learned through all of this is that most of those who have chosen to take the shots, freely or otherwise, will defend their decision to the bitter end. For them, it's a horrifying thought that they may have been sold a bill of goods or worse, that there may be long term consequences for their decisions. As I always say, to each his/her own. I respect your choice; please respect mine. (Actually, I don't care if you respect my choice, just leave me alone.)

What bothers me is the logical contortions that the "pro-vaxxers" have to make to convince themselves that they are right.
1) The original trial results claimed "~95% efficacy" for not contracting covid. What most people didn't realize that they were referring to "relative" efficacy. If you look at "absolute" efficacy, it's more like 0.8%.
2) A vaccine should protect you from contracting a disease. Clearly this isn't the case with the covid shot.
3) The common mantra "I was vaxxed and still contracted Covid but thankfully my symptoms are mild" isn't scientific. Most Covid cases are mild if you do not have comorbidities and are otherwise healthy.

Then there is the mask issue. The CDC and even our local doctors here in Syracuse are now saying that a cloth mask is useless and you should wear a surgical or N95 mask. No kidding, except for the fact that a surgical mask is also useless and an N95 mask, unless properly fitted, is also nearly useless. Breathing requires air flow, period.

Anyway, let's hope it starts snowing here in the NE so we can forget about all of this crap and do some skiing. It's the one thing we all love and a couple of large snow storms will relegate this conversation to the dust heap.
When they said the 95.5 if you listened they avoided saying that it was against catching the disease. They never outright set the media straight when they assumed that's what we what they were referring to. However anyone that was listening could test through the lines and understand what they were saying. You are outright wrong about masks, they do work. Problem is people don't wear them properly.
I don't care what you do, stay out of my personal space and we won't have a problem.
Wow, kudos to Harvey for keeping these threads open! Free exchange of ideas is the best way to discover the truth; funny how "big tech" (Twitter, FB, YT, etc.) are hell bent on denying any claim that perhaps the vaccines may not be as useful as once thought.

What I've learned through all of this is that most of those who have chosen to take the shots, freely or otherwise, will defend their decision to the bitter end. For them, it's a horrifying thought that they may have been sold a bill of goods or worse, that there may be long term consequences for their decisions. As I always say, to each his/her own. I respect your choice; please respect mine. (Actually, I don't care if you respect my choice, just leave me alone.)

What bothers me is the logical contortions that the "pro-vaxxers" have to make to convince themselves that they are right.
1) The original trial results claimed "~95% efficacy" for not contracting covid. What most people didn't realize that they were referring to "relative" efficacy. If you look at "absolute" efficacy, it's more like 0.8%.
2) A vaccine should protect you from contracting a disease. Clearly this isn't the case with the covid shot.
3) The common mantra "I was vaxxed and still contracted Covid but thankfully my symptoms are mild" isn't scientific. Most Covid cases are mild if you do not have comorbidities and are otherwise healthy.

Then there is the mask issue. The CDC and even our local doctors here in Syracuse are now saying that a cloth mask is useless and you should wear a surgical or N95 mask. No kidding, except for the fact that a surgical mask is also useless and an N95 mask, unless properly fitted, is also nearly useless. Breathing requires air flow, period.

Anyway, let's hope it starts snowing here in the NE so we can forget about all of this crap and do some skiing. It's the one thing we all love and a couple of large snow storms will relegate this conversation to the dust heap.
This is why hundreds of thousands of people are needlessly dead and why hundreds of thousands more will die needlessly.
Ya keep stats on us all Harvey?
Even if not actively, it is a click away. That's the way of the world nowadays. This and a Rivian forum are my only social media footprints, but I can guarantee you that Facebook has a file on me that would be hundreds of pages long if printed just from my wife or family saying something related to me or posting a picture . . . .

Wait, is thread drift good in a Covid thread? Sounds like a twisted koan.
Ya keep stats on us all Harvey?
Yes and it's really devious. I click on your screenname...

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and then click on your number of messages (2,230) and they all come up. Try it it's fun. ?

When you have 2000 posts it's not exactly easy to see trends. But when you have 39 posts, it's not hard.
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