The New Normal

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I understand how a vaccine works and what it is supposed to do.

I'd never heard about a vaccine inhibiting spread before covid. The way I interpreted it was that it wasn't designed or expected, but was a result. And I never thought it was absolute, as in zero breakthrough.

If I am the only one in America who thought that, then I guess I'm not too bright.
Then that was an even bigger messaging fail.
That's the way I always understood it. I just knew in increased your chances of living if you contracted COVID 19.
That said, I had COVID before I get as vaxed and I just thought I had a cold. Even after experiencing mild symptoms I wasn't willing to roll the dice again, so I got me all 3 shots.
You know, it's just a weird world we are living in at the moment. I guess we all choose how to deal with it. If I were to be stuck on my property for five days, I could definitely use the time to deep clean my house. There are some outside things that could be done as well.

That seems like a super waste of time, though. I get bored after one rainy day.

I will mask up in the lift line and call it good.
Oh you're a stats guy! I enjoyed stats I learned in engineering school and during my MBA. Used it in manufacturing for a few years till I moved on. I remember getting the PC based version of Minitab and was so excited. Yeah I'm a bit of a dork :)
Ah, you missed my self-intro in the COVID thread in the fall. I'm a retired Ph.D. biostatician and SAS programmer. Worked in the pharma industry doing data management and project management for clinical trials. I was doing statistical analysis using PL/I and SPSS on a mainframe as a part-time job in college. First computer programming was using paper tape in high school . . . to generate a log table overnight. Was a tomboy and never cared that I was one of only a few girls in most of my college math classes.
I will mask up in the lift line and call it good.

I took my daughter (college senior) and her BF ice skating this afternoon. Masks required in a small town in North Carolina. Only saw two tween boys without masks. I'm not worried about exposure. Staying home makes little sense to me.

Was BF's first time on ice skates. He did pretty well all things considered. We still have hopes that he'll like skiing. He had the first taste at Big SNOW in July.
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Were you one of my students too? Most of them tried to guess everything too.

Nothing wrong with that.
The multiple guess tests were easier except when they threw in the:
none of the above
a and b
a, b and c
and none of the above bullshit.
Otherwise it was always just best guess.
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