The New Normal

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Every thread remotely connected to covid becomes the covid thread. I guess it's human nature, we want to talk about what is on our mind. Hey I'm human too. I still consider locking this or moving to the OT, TBD.

Last June AMA estimated 40,000 docs were unvaccinated nationwide, about 4% of a million active. Fair to assume that that number matches up with doctors who don't believe in the vaccine? No idea. From what I've read the healthcare workers who are most resistant to the vax are not doctors.

I've had my shots, and none were administered by a doctor. Pretty sure all were nurses. If I was a doc, I don't think I'd risk the fines and my medical license to commit vax fraud, but I guess they must feel it's unlikely to be caught or prosecuted.

I agree with Gunny that my chances of survival now are much higher than they were a year ago, when I got covid. That's not based on science really just my experience. I was so careful before I got vaxed and still got (really) sick. I went to a 7 hour gymnastics meet a few weeks ago with a thousand unmasked and nary a sniffle. Not a scientific study, but seems like something, to me.
It's hard to avoid covid discussion when it's being allowed to control literally every aspect of life.

Agreed. I could have locked the thread from the start though.

Some forums are locking any thread with the words mask or vaccine.
The anecdotal evidence I have and little research I've done via Dr. John Campbell on YT have for the most part been lining up. Lots of triple jabbed friends in their late 20's and early 30's testing positive in the past 2 weeks, most with mild symptoms some asymptomatic, others out with 104 fevers. I know one individual who has now tested positive for Covid on four separate instances since the start of this mess at least one of those cases was after being boosted. I'm hopefully that this last variant is the shift from pandemic to endemic, I don't think we are out of the woods but I like to believe we are through the worst.

Also if you look at current case data from countries like Denmark that are highly vaccinated (77.9% 2nd shot, 47% on 3rd) it's clear vaccines are not going to be what saves us. At this point its immunity that everyone needs whether natural through infection, through vaccine, or some combination of both. Again I'm not here it discuss approach for curbing this thing, just stating my experiences and what I've learned over time.

At this point its immunity that everyone needs whether natural through infection, through vaccine, or some combination of both.
Current vaccines were never designed to prevent infection. The clinical trials done in 2020 for the currently approved vaccines showed that the likelihood of serious illness and death was much, much less than compared to people who were unvaccinated as the original version spread in multiple countries. The efficacy was much better than the minimum requirement for regulatory approval for any vaccine.

Ironically, the locations that had low vaccination rates when Delta arrived in June 2021 probably have much higher numbers of people with natural immunity. Vermont tried travel restrictions last winter and relied on vaccination alone as the protective measure by May 2021. Delta changed the situation by July 2021 when it became obvious that breakthrough cases with mild symptoms could happen in group situations. Omicron started changing the situation worldwide by early November, but it just wasn't recognized yet.

Masking and distancing works to reduce risk of exposure to an infectious disease. There is a reason that there were far fewer cases of the flu last winter.
In some ways it seems like the fact that the vax actually prevented transmission of Alpha is now working against the effort to get vax buyin. It provides purchase for the idea that it doesn't work.
In some ways it seems like the fact that the vax actually prevented transmission of Alpha is now working against the effort to get vax buyin. It provides purchase for the idea that it doesn't work.
Vaccination never prevented transmission in my opinion. It only seemed that way because initially the people who got vaccinated tended to be cautious and/or informed people who did other things to avoid exposure. It was masking, distancing, curfews, capacity limits and other public health measures that made a difference in 2020 and the first half of 2021.

People will continue to believe that vaccination that doesn't prevent getting a disease is somehow a failure. The percentage of people who got flu shots pre-pandemic was well below 50% in many counties. I'm sure people who didn't get a flu shot tell stories of friends or co-workers who got a flu shot and still got the flu. I would guess that some of those people also don't think people die from the flu.

What remains confusing about COVID-19 is that people who have no symptoms or mild symptoms are contagious and can infect others, even people who are vaccinated. This novel coronavirus really doesn't act like any other disease that has caused a pandemic in the last couple hundred years.
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