The New Normal

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Local nurses here are fed up seeing super green, zero experienced travel nurses coming in and making more money then they are, some of them have been loyal employees for 20+ years.
Y’all should know buy now there is a difference between a case of SARS-CoV-2 and a case of CoViD-19.
A case of SARS-CoV-2 is defined by a”positive test", for what’s that worth.
CoViD-19 is related to havin a "positive test" & bein symptomatic for the actual dis-ease, allegedly.

Be careful & nice, stay healthy ya filthy animals.
Happy 2020too.
Thank you WP' again happy that he is coming thru this . Stay well, but have fun out there too?
You're welcome. He's 24, so there's not much I can do to influence him. Thankfully, his new GF can. He didn't get vaccinated until September, I think, so he won't be eligible for a bit.

I never stopped having fun. It just got modified. ;) I still got in 30ish ski days last year, just masked in the lift line. I maintained my jogging and yoga. I also discovered that when bundled up well enough, jogging in 20 degrees is no big deal. :)

The things I do miss, now that I am back at work in person, are the extra time to ride my pony longer in the mornings and meeting and chatting with neighbors that I had never met prior to the pandemic
I'd guess that most of them are in indoors roles? So the lifts and snow guns can keep running at least. Closing a few registers and authorizing more overtime might be enough to keep it going. Although now that I'm reading this, I guess my theory is based on the assumption that they're picking it up at work, which we don't have any way of knowing....
I would be surprised if the community spread is happening while at work at Killington. That was not the case last season. Situations that involves employees sharing lodging and out socializing during off-hours are much more likely to be when/where exposure happens.
Y’all should know buy now there is a difference between a case of SARS-CoV-2 and a case of CoViD-19.
A case of SARS-CoV-2 is defined by a”positive test", for what’s that worth.
CoViD-19 is related to havin a "positive test" & bein symptomatic for the actual dis-ease, allegedly.
SARS-CoV-2 is the official name of the novel coronavirus that started infecting humans in late 2019. For whatever reason, the disease caused by that coronavirus and its variants is called COVID-19. Someone who tests positive for the evidence of SARS-CoV-2 in their system is a "detected case" but someone who goes undetected for whatever reason still had/has COVID-19. Undetected cases will probably always outnumber detected cases because many people who have COVID-19 don't get more than mild symptoms. That was true even for the original "wild-type" and seems even more likely with Omicron.

Someone who doesn't have noticeable symptoms is still contagious. If vaccinated, then probably for only a day or two. Still not well documented how long someone who is unvaccinated and has Omicron is contagious. Clearly longer than someone who is vaccinated but unclear if it's few days than with Delta or not. Still, pays to stay away from anyone who is sneezing or coughing.

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By July 2021 I was saying that "Delta changed the situation." The reality for the 2021-22 season is that Omicron has changed the situation. Omicron has been spreading since early November from what I can tell. There are places where case numbers have been doubling for weeks, including breakthrough cases.

The combination of the need for extra staff during the holiday period plus Omicron reaching all states was unfortunate. Certainly didn't help that there is still very limited terrain in the east.
This thread sure blew up. Since Killington is my home mountain, I feel like I should comment on this.

This was to be expected, with the fact that the resort gets crowded, and many of their customers, particularly this time of year are from NYC which is having their omicron wave. The same thing is happening at ski resorts out west. The same thing probably happens at every major ski resort this winter. You can't stop transmission when thousands of people pass through the lodges every day, and many employees are internationals, and likely live in congregate settings.

This is not nearly as serious as if it happened last season. 100% of Killington's staff is vaccinated, and there has not been a single hospitalization associated with this outbreak. I wish everyone who tested positive a speedy recovery. A positive test does not mean the same thing it did a year ago. If this had happened last season, it would've likely resulted in a closure, at least for several weeks.

I skied at Killington today. They now have a mask requirement (which is widely ignored), and some indoor services are limited or closed. The outbreak seems to have hit rentals and food/beverage, since those are the services that were limited. All of the lifts they could have opened were open their normal hours.
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