The New Normal

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What might you be basing this on?
Cases are milder due to vaccines, and there's more of a tolerance for high case numbers and outbreaks. If they had the same number of employees get covid last season, I have no doubt it would've meant a closure.
Killington is call the "Beast of the East" for a reason - they get it done. Just saw that Bear Mtn. base area is now open! I'm heading up there in 3 weeks and yes, I expect the work force to be there doing there job. I've done mine for almost 2 years and 95% of it was out in the field, in direct contact with the rest of us poor slobs who can't get it done from our "home office."

The American public, while slow to wake up, has in innate ability to see through the BS. I believe we are in the awakening process. The hype doesn't match reality.

Here's the way I view the current situation: If you took your vaccine and you truly believe in it's effectiveness, then you shouldn't be bothered by anyone there doesn't share your views. If you like your mask then by all means wear the damn know it works so that fact that I don't wear one shouldn't bother you a bit. I don't believe in either, but I do not think any less of you for doing so. Grant me/us the same decency.
Killington is call the "Beast of the East" for a reason - they get it done. Just saw that Bear Mtn. base area is now open! I'm heading up there in 3 weeks and yes, I expect the work force to be there doing there job. I've done mine for almost 2 years and 95% of it was out in the field, in direct contact with the rest of us poor slobs who can't get it done from our "home office."
They did get it done, and terrain will keep expanding as long as the weather is cold. Glad to have Bear open as it is my favorite trail pod and lunch spot. And yes, I do expect the lifts to be running since I paid a good amount for my pass.
The American public, while slow to wake up, has in innate ability to see through the BS. I believe we are in the awakening process. The hype doesn't match reality.
I think this transition will eventually happen, but I'm not confident of the timeline, especially in blue areas. And that includes all ski areas since they draw their customers disproportionately from cities.
Here's the way I view the current situation: If you took your vaccine and you truly believe in it's effectiveness, then you shouldn't be bothered by anyone there doesn't share your views. If you like your mask then by all means wear the damn know it works so that fact that I don't wear one shouldn't bother you a bit. I don't believe in either, but I do not think any less of you for doing so. Grant me/us the same decency.
I took 3 Pfizer doses because there was clear data showing it was the best way to avoid symptomatic infection and severe illness. I'm fine with that being the extent of precautions that I take. The problem is if you live in a blue city or state, you're almost certainly living under some kind of mask ordinance. I view these mandates as overreaching and unnecessary. We've blown past so many off ramps, and some even want to make masks a permanent part of life. I struggle to find a way to effectively push back on these policies. Sure you could try to ignore it, but that might mean you have to jump through more hoops than it's worth, like going to multiple stores to find one that doesn't enforce masks. You could try moving somewhere that's less covid obsessed, but that doesn't necessarily free you from the covid regime (most ski areas have mask requirements, even if it's not mandated by government), and if you move somewhere you wouldn't have otherwise gone, then you're still letting covid disrupt your life. It's really a lose lose situation for those who want to move on.
Its very very difficult , drs have banded togerther and written letters BEGGING people to get vaxxed . Think about when THIS has ever happened ????

This county ONLY has 59 per cent vaxx rate and mirrors other rural counties where it is raging . Frankly money is no longer an incentive to staff who are toasted from the unrelenting stress of carrying for patients who fail to do the right thing , SOME for a second time around .

Will stop here before this gets LOCKED too
Many Doctors do not believe in this Vaccine .There are places in NYS, the Doc will shoot it down the drain, if you pay him 1500 smackers. Covid is here to stay. Your Vac status will not keep you from getting the virus, your chances of survival are now far greater now than in March 2021. Thats all I will say, Happy New Year
Many Doctors do not believe in this Vaccine .There are places in NYS, the Doc will shoot it down the drain, if you pay him 1500 smackers. Covid is here to stay. Your Vac status will not keep you from getting the virus, your chances of survival are now far greater now than in March 2021. Thats all I will say, Happy New Year
Must be those doctors don't work in hospitals where they actually care for those with COVID.
That's all I will say, Happy New Beer.
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