The New Normal

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My son had covid last May/June. He has been double vaccinated. Last night, he let me know that he is positive again. His version of quarantine is/was 5 days of isolation, followed by 5 days of mask wearing. He figures that he picked it up at Christmas, and is already in the mask phase. (He went to my ex-husband's house for Christmas. Not sure about the vax rate there or who was positive. As curious as I am, I am not asking.)

To make this related to skiing, wear your mask in the lift line. I was only one of a handful wearing masks yesterday. Stay safe!
My son had covid last May/June. He has been double vaccinated. Last night, he let me know that he is positive again. His version of quarantine is/was 5 days of isolation, followed by 5 days of mask wearing. He figures that he picked it up at Christmas, and is already in the mask phase. (He went to my ex-husband's house for Christmas. Not sure about the vax rate there or who was positive. As curious as I am, I am not asking.)

To make this related to skiing, wear your mask in the lift line. I was only one of a handful wearing masks yesterday. Stay safe!

Glad he is ok , the double jab might have lessened the impact , out of curiousity was he boosted too ? Our county as of this week : only 59 per cent had at least one shot of 3 which is a problem .
Thank you WP' again happy that he is coming thru this . Stay well, but have fun out there too?
Ugh. Honestly at this point it's the load on the hospital system and its employees as being the only thing that concerns me.
me too.
Raising the census and staying off diversion is what they are concerned about, patient care and staff health, both mental and physical, is purely secondary.
That really sucks. I'm amazed that the powers that be haven't done something to boost overall hospital capacity or at least acknowledged that dialing it back in Berger commission days was a mistake. MBAs are ruining the world.
It has to affect operations right? 86 out of 1000 total? More to follow I bet.
I'd guess that most of them are in indoors roles? So the lifts and snow guns can keep running at least. Closing a few registers and authorizing more overtime might be enough to keep it going. Although now that I'm reading this, I guess my theory is based on the assumption that they're picking it up at work, which we don't have any way of knowing....
me too.

That really sucks. I'm amazed that the powers that be haven't done something to boost overall hospital capacity or at least acknowledged that dialing it back in Berger commission days was a mistake. MBAs are ruining the world.
For many places it's not bed capacity that's the issue, its staffing. My MD friends say everyone is pretty burned out and spread thin. The lock downs in the early pandemic days really helped prevent a surge on hospitals in ROC.

It's quite maddening that most of the current patients are preventable if they just got the vaccine.
I'd guess that most of them are in indoors roles? So the lifts and snow guns can keep running at least. Closing a few registers and authorizing more overtime might be enough to keep it going. Although now that I'm reading this, I guess my theory is based on the assumption that they're picking it up at work, which we don't have any way of knowing....
I don’t think it would be based on the staffs number of cases but more so based on the possible outcome if they aren’t proactive about stopping the spread now.
Our docs and nurses are saying the same things Andy ! I have never seen these hard working pros this toasted in the 27 yrs i have been on the Board .

Physician recruitment is very , very difficult right now and has always been a challenge for sole community hospitals . Rent a docs are actually more expensive but many have to go that route to fill gaps ...........its NOT good and THIS failure to vax is going to cause major systemic failures i am afraid.

Only the naive think that is not a possibility . Behavior HAS consequences that even money and incentives cannot fix
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