The New Normal

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In one of the other threads someone admitted they were wrong so maybe there's hope.
1. Who gives a fuck where I, a geologist, think it originated?
2. I don’t know shit about it

(I wish more people would just admit that, so the internet wasn’t full of dumb speculation by people who don’t know shit about Wuhan, couldn’t point it out on a map, and have no idea how viruses come into being)
I read your first bullet and have to agree with you in that. Carry on.
I think my point was, nobody knows shit about shit, so posts like this are irresponsible at best:
Somebody, somewhere knows exactly what happened. I for one would like to know how, who, and why started this fucking pandemic. Don't you?
What we have now is like having your house burn down and the only answer you get is, something got hot.
Somebody, somewhere knows exactly what happened. I for one would like to know how, who, and why started this fucking pandemic. Don't you?
What we have now is like having your house burn down and the only answer you get is, something got hot.
I think the “we MUST BLAME SOMEONE” sentiment is misguided, especially because you don’t know that your first “fact” is true.

Maybe something you couldn’t control (a forest fire?) started burning the house down. I’m more concerned with putting the fire out than with assigning blame.
Somebody, somewhere knows exactly what happened. I for one would like to know how, who, and why started this fucking pandemic. Don't you?
What we have now is like having your house burn down and the only answer you get is, something got hot.
Accidents happen. If it was known and covered-up, folks have some explainin to do.
Possibly coming from a lab was a conspiracy theory in the beginning.
If ya let folks go pick up viral bat shit to study them, shit happens.
If it was intentional some know, but doubt many do, and we may never.
Wuhan ain’t the only place with them there viralability labs.
I think the “we MUST BLAME SOMEONE” sentiment is misguided, especially because you don’t know that your first “fact” is true.

Maybe something you couldn’t control (a forest fire?) started burning the house down. I’m more concerned with putting the fire out than with assigning blame.
Where did I say I wanted to place blame? You enjoy putting words in others mouth's. In case you haven't noticed this pandemic is kind of a big deal. If we can identify the who, how, and why maybe we can prevent this bullshit from happening again. And no, I won't accept the something got hot answer.
Where did I say I wanted to place blame?
I’m sorry, this looked like you wanted to place blame:
Somebody, somewhere knows exactly what happened. I for one would like to know how, who, and why started this fucking pandemic. Don't you?
Also, the rest of your post made it sound like you wanted to place blame because you wanted to “prevent this bullshit from happening again”, when it’s possible that you can’t prevent this bullshit from happening again, any more than you could prevent bird flu or swine flu.
I’m sorry, this looked like you wanted to place blame:

Also, the rest of your post made it sound like you wanted to place blame because you wanted to “prevent this bullshit from happening again”, when it’s possible that you can’t prevent this bullshit from happening again, any more than you could prevent bird flu or swine flu.
Right. Do we know where bird flu and swine flu originated?
It is possible that we'll never know, that is true. It's also possible that we can find out, but you don't seem to want to accept that and just shrug it off. The way this pandemic has effected those around me, I want to know the who, and why, if we can.
Does that better explain my position?
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