The New Normal

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What’s your educational background in infectious disease origins, bud?

Is it possible that you don’t know shit about it, and other people know more?

I am not schooled in infectious disease.. My reading comprehension is in tact. What's your opinion where it originated..
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1. Who gives a fuck where I, a geologist, think it originated?
2. I don’t know shit about it

(I wish more people would just admit that, so the internet wasn’t full of dumb speculation by people who don’t know shit about Wuhan, couldn’t point it out on a map, and have no idea how viruses come into being)
(I wish more people would just admit that, so the internet wasn’t full of dumb speculation by people who don’t know shit about Wuhan, couldn’t point it out on a map, and have no idea how viruses come into being)

So basically cancel the internet?
I don't recall hearing that the vax would keep you from getting covid, rather improve your odds of not dying by 300%. I'll take those odds.
We had a covid death in our local hospital just a couple days ago. Not vaxed. As MC said, may the odds forever be in your favor. Yours, my 2 BIL's, and the handful of my friends that won't get vaxed.
With college students returning soon it will be an even bigger shit show than it is now. We're done going out to dinner at places we can't sit outside. This thing spreads like wildfire.
Agreed - I knew this as well because I read a lot. However my wife and kids thought it was like...a vaccine. I think if you ask most people they would say the same thing. Or maybe not - my sample size (acquaintances) is very small these days.
Oh look, another long screed full of falsehoods by a scientist.
What you wrote about Isreal is completely wrong (as of yesterday, basic vaccinated hospitalization in Israel
is 58.4% which is nothing like 80%), although who among us is not surprised by your inability to understand data.
Here is a link that you might try to read that will explain:

Read it or not - just know that, once again, you are wrong.
I read it - seems you are correct and I'm now not sure were I got 80% instead of ~ 60%. May need some new eye glasses! In any event it struck me as odd that over 1/2 of the hospitalizations were from "vaccinated" people. I realize that Israel has a very high number of people that took the shot so by default the numbers will skew that way. Not sure why you'd make the comments about my scientific abilities but no big deal - just trying to understand this strange time in history. We all have a tendency to beat on each other but in the end it's more important to find the truth.

Were there other "falsehoods" that you would like to discuss?
I'll take no. 1. I don't care if someone doesn't get the vaccination, but I really don't understand why we cater

Deep thought while vacuuming...

Really COVID is here to stay, at least for a while. That seems to be a fact. Therefore, you seem to have a few options about how to deal with it:

1) Ignore it and hope it will go away - no masking or social distancing
2) Choose not to get vaccinated for whatever reason
3) Acknowledge that we are in a pandemic and hide by not going out into the world, maybe vaccinated, maybe not
4) Get vaccinated and hide anyhow
5) Accept the fact that COVID is here to stay. Adjust your lifestyle to the fact that this totally sucks, but if you sit in front of one more zoom meeting, you and your monitor are going to have major issues. A new monitor is expensive, and apparently, computer chips are hard to come by because of the pandemic. Buy more masks. Accept that yoga in a mask sucks. Look forward to ski season, knowing you will be wearing a mask in the lift line.

I'm gong with number 5.
2. Use natural means to boost your immunity (vitamins, minerals, etc) and try to not be in the group of comorbidities with the highest death rate.
So basically cancel the internet?
Just like, maybe people should cut down on the wild speculation about things they know absolutely nothing about. Or at least have the balls to say “I don’t know”

Doesn’t seem like a big ask.
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