The New Normal

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Really COVID is here to stay, at least for a while. That seems to be a fact. Therefore, you seem to have a few options about how to deal with it:

1) Ignore it and hope it will go away - no masking or social distancing
2) Choose not to get vaccinated for whatever reason
3) Acknowledge that we are in a pandemic and hide by not going out into the world, maybe vaccinated, maybe not
4) Get vaccinated and hide anyhow
5) Accept the fact that COVID is here to stay. Adjust your lifestyle to the fact that this totally sucks, but if you sit in front of one more zoom meeting, you and your monitor are going to have major issues. A new monitor is expensive, and apparently, computer chips are hard to come by because of the pandemic. Buy more masks. Accept that yoga in a mask sucks. Look forward to ski season, knowing you will be wearing a mask in the lift line.
I'll take no. 1. I don't care if someone doesn't get the vaccination, but I really don't understand why we cater to them.
I'll take no. 1. I don't care if someone doesn't get the vaccination, but I really don't understand why we cater to them.

It's expensive (more than just $$) when they get sick?

I assume it's about the variants. Delta seems to have started in India, so even if the US was 90% vaxed it would exist. But how different would life be? I don't know.
I saw that article. That's one approach.

We did a million doses yesterday which is quite a jump. I guess there's nothing like seeing your family/friends/neighbors die to change your mind.

I was looking at the cases for New York. Cases up a lot, but deaths only slightly.
And HERE we go and so it begins ! Health insurance costs to rise for unvaxxed .

Next will be employers who raise the participant premium cost for health insurance

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I assume it's about the variants. Delta seems to have started in India, so even if the US was 90% vaxed it would exist. But how different would life be? I don't know.
To get an idea of how the "new normal" can be when there is a high vaccination rate before Delta spreads, look at Canada. I haven't had time to look lately since I'm on a very fun trip, but I don't have the sense that there are places with deaths that are because hospitals are overwhelmed.

The counties in the U.S. that have the biggest problems in hospitals right now mostly have vaccination rates below 40%. Detected case numbers aren't the best measure to check because of Delta. Hospitalization and death numbers are unfortunately the best indicators of how bad the situation is or will be in the coming weeks for a given town/county/city/state.
Bottom line : You cannot protect a fool from their destiny and that is what is now playing out
Also called "culling the herd." A friend who is a nurse in New England said that back in early March 2020.

My worry are the children who are too young to be vaccinated and are surrounded by adults who have no clue about COVID-19 and how it's transmitted by people who have no symptoms. In some counties in NC, my guess is that the Percent Positive is super high most of the testing is being done on patients in the hospital. Meaning many people in those counties who aren't vaccinated also aren't getting tested for minor symptoms. A few counties have Percent Positive over 20%. That never happened in NC in 2020 with the original strain.
There is a lot that is known. I have to believe that if it came from an animal than somewhere where it originated would have had covid. They can't find any cases like that. I don't care if it did come from the lab. Shit happens. I don't see how it could have come from any other place.
What’s your educational background in infectious disease origins, bud?

Is it possible that you don’t know shit about it, and other people know more?
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