The New Normal

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My kid went to Cornell and MIT. The other day
I had to change the wax ring on the toilet
She looked at me like I fixed the space shuttle.
I don't know much about the govt of NZ. I guess the dictators don't believe in the vax.

Being an island probably doesn't hurt.
Deep thought while vacuuming...

Really COVID is here to stay, at least for a while. That seems to be a fact. Therefore, you seem to have a few options about how to deal with it:

1) Ignore it and hope it will go away - no masking or social distancing
2) Choose not to get vaccinated for whatever reason
3) Acknowledge that we are in a pandemic and hide by not going out into the world, maybe vaccinated, maybe not
4) Get vaccinated and hide anyhow
5) Accept the fact that COVID is here to stay. Adjust your lifestyle to the fact that this totally sucks, but if you sit in front of one more zoom meeting, you and your monitor are going to have major issues. A new monitor is expensive, and apparently, computer chips are hard to come by because of the pandemic. Buy more masks. Accept that yoga in a mask sucks. Look forward to ski season, knowing you will be wearing a mask in the lift line.

I'm gong with number 5.
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