The New Normal

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We are in the midst of a pandemic of a novel coronavirus. Viruses mutate. SARS-CoV-2 has unusual properties. Being contagious with no symptoms is a major difference from the other novel coronaviruses of the 21st century (SARS, MERS).
Asymptomatic spread has been a factor fueling contagious conditions for SARS-CoV-2.

What if havin more folks vaxed, amelioratin their symptoms, allows for more spread?
My kid went to Cornell and MIT. The other day
I had to change the wax ring on the toilet
She looked at me like I fixed the space shuttle.
As with any topic, much depends on how people pay attention to an issue.
I also didn’t know shit about wax rings on toilets until I had to replace a toilet, then YouTubed the solution & fixed it.

You don’t know what you don’t know.

I’m more upset about people who “know” something that is absolute bullshit.
. Most people just want to "get a shot" and then do whatever they like after that.
Hell yes this is what I’m doing. Can’t live life in fear forever.

If they say I need a booster shot, I’ll get one, but perpetual masking & distancing is:
1. Not realistic
2. Depressing as hell
3. Probably going to backfire and make populations more susceptible to disease (this point is just speculation, but I feel like a population that doesn’t expose itself to occasional stresses is highly vulnerable)
Did ya read the article recently published in Science & posted here yesterday bout Israel?

I’m not gonna do alternative realities for ya, yer on yer own there.
From what I can gather your background includes way more statistical analysis than I have so I'll try to lay things out as best I can.

What irks me is that the narrative on this whole mess changes daily and is not consistent with proper scientific method. We started with "flatten the curve", moved on to "stay away from people" then "wear a mask" (useless). Then we were subjected to the PCR test (proven to be nearly useless and the FDA recently admitted that it does not differentiate between covid and influenza) and for the first time that I can remember we begged all people (not just symptomatic people) to get a "test". Our mentally challenged County Executive today said "Our positive rate is high but once the SU students get back and get tested I'm sure the rate will drop." No shit, Sherlock.

Then we asked test-positive people (even those without symptoms) to isolate/quarantine. Next we heard "the vaccine" (it is not a vaccine) will save us; "if you get the vaccine then life will get back to normal." Then we heard that "95% of hospitalizations were from the un-vaxed." We then learned that close to half of the hospitalizations are from the vaxed - in Israel it's closer to 80%. Now the public health officials/media are talking about a booster shot like it was always part of the plan...nothing to see here.

Then there's the vaccine. None of them use Covid-19 as a base; Moderna & Pfizer shots instruct the body to produce spike proteins...but wait, aren't spike proteins what cause the majority of the physiological problems from covid? You know, blood clots, etc.? Sure, the body mounts a response but you're basically giving covid to everyone who gets the shot. It's already been observed that these spike proteins do not stay at the injection site but travel to all organs of the body. Genius...what could possibly go wrong?

I suspect that a large number of people that got the vaccine will decline to get the promoted booster shots. I am also quite confident that the "cases" will subside for the next month or two and then balloon come October...just like last year. IMHO natural immunity is the only thing that will save us. Human beings have a propensity to think they can outwit nature, God, etc.
Oh look, another long screed full of falsehoods by a scientist.
What you wrote about Isreal is completely wrong (as of yesterday, basic vaccinated hospitalization in Israel
is 58.4% which is nothing like 80%), although who among us is not surprised by your inability to understand data.
Here is a link that you might try to read that will explain:

Read it or not - just know that, once again, you are wrong.
Where is this? In what location? Link?
Read this for the answer, by the way it is 58.4%, not 80%.

This is incredibly helpful thank you.

So the unvaxed group was 3.1x more likely to get hospitalized than the vaxed group.

And because of the way the vax has rolled out, the vaxed group is way more vulnerable than the unvaxed group. Far older is the big thing. For example nobody under 12 is in the vaxed group. And over 90% of people 50+ are vaxed.

And also the vax is not as good against Delta vs Alpha.
I’m not gonna do alternative realities for ya, yer on yer own there.
I’m just wondering what the alternative is, in your thinking, to having more people vaccinated, which you seem to think is causing more spread.

What would you like to see (from our leaders, from the CDC, etc.) to solve the issue that you raised?
I’m just wondering what the alternative is, in your thinking, to having more people vaccinated, which you seem to think is causing more spread.

What would you like to see (from our leaders, from the CDC, etc.) to solve the issue that you raised?
Just asked a hypothetical question and didn’t say it was true.

If true, then the segregation of folks by vaccination status may be a red herring, just sayin.

To answer yer question, I’m not in a position to see a final solution to the issue, if true.
I would like to see more dissemination of information on how folks can have a strong immune system, but many would still ignore.

Best is to respect & help others and be aware of yer surroundings and health.
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