The New Normal

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"I do not trust the Federal Government," West wrote recently. "I do not trust Dr. Fauci, I do not trust the medical profession, nor the pharmaceutical giants

This^^^ haven’t for years.

The Feds for their policies.

The whole medical field included big pharma, reason being people are treated like cash cows not humans.

Fauci… well wait a week I could change my mind ?
I started a spreadsheet last year to keep track of Cornell's numbers. From August 18, 2020 - August 16 2021, they picked up a total of 1,148 cases in their mandatory testing program. This does not include those who actually had COVID and got tested. Cornell's population last year was 23620. That means that 4.86 percent of Cornell's population tested positive last year. I guess that's not tooooo bad, considering that the vaccine wasn't available for half of that time.
What bout Israel havin a very high vaccination rate and high increase in hospitalizations now?
Yep, Delta is more transmissible. Are the Israelis using any other public health measures besides thinking that vaccination is enough? Meaning masking indoors or social distancing? Non-pharmaceutical precautions work but depend on human behavior. Most people just want to "get a shot" and then do whatever they like after that.

From the article:
"What is clear is that “breakthrough” cases are not the rare events the term implies. As of 15 August, 514 Israelis were hospitalized with severe or critical COVID-19, a 31% increase from just 4 days earlier. Of the 514, 59% were fully vaccinated. Of the vaccinated, 87% were 60 or older."

The thinking seems to be that 8 months may be an appropriate timeframe for a booster shot. Probably more important for vulnerable people like seniors. They were the first to get vaccinated in most countries. Will also be important for healthcare workers.
We are in the midst of a pandemic of a novel coronavirus. Viruses mutate. SARS-CoV-2 has unusual properties. Being contagious with no symptoms is a major difference from the other novel coronaviruses of the 21st century (SARS, MERS). Also seems to be the case that SARS-CoV-2 mutates more often.

We are lucky that vaccine development and research methods related to detection, treatment, epidemiology can move faster than 10-20 years ago. The amount that has been learned in the last 18 months is amazing. But the general public is not usually aware of all the twists and turns that happen during medical or scientific research. Nor do they care for the most part. <sigh>
"I do not trust the Federal Government," West wrote recently. "I do not trust Dr. Fauci, I do not trust the medical profession, nor the pharmaceutical giants

This^^^ haven’t for years.

The Feds for their policies.

The whole medical field included big pharma, reason being people are treated like cash cows not humans.

Fauci… well wait a week I could change my mind ?
I can't disagree with anything you're saying.

That's why I listen to my own doc.
We are in the midst of a pandemic of a novel coronavirus. Viruses mutate. SARS-CoV-2 has unusual properties. Being contagious with no symptoms is a major difference from the other novel coronaviruses of the 21st century (SARS, MERS). Also seems to be the case that SARS-CoV-2 mutates more often.

We are lucky that vaccine development and research methods related to detection, treatment, epidemiology can move faster than 10-20 years ago. The amount that has been learned in the last 18 months is amazing. But the general public is not usually aware of all the twists and turns that happen during medical or scientific research. Nor do they care for the most part. <sigh>
From what I can gather your background includes way more statistical analysis than I have so I'll try to lay things out as best I can.

What irks me is that the narrative on this whole mess changes daily and is not consistent with proper scientific method. We started with "flatten the curve", moved on to "stay away from people" then "wear a mask" (useless). Then we were subjected to the PCR test (proven to be nearly useless and the FDA recently admitted that it does not differentiate between covid and influenza) and for the first time that I can remember we begged all people (not just symptomatic people) to get a "test". Our mentally challenged County Executive today said "Our positive rate is high but once the SU students get back and get tested I'm sure the rate will drop." No shit, Sherlock.

Then we asked test-positive people (even those without symptoms) to isolate/quarantine. Next we heard "the vaccine" (it is not a vaccine) will save us; "if you get the vaccine then life will get back to normal." Then we heard that "95% of hospitalizations were from the un-vaxed." We then learned that close to half of the hospitalizations are from the vaxed - in Israel it's closer to 80%. Now the public health officials/media are talking about a booster shot like it was always part of the plan...nothing to see here.

Then there's the vaccine. None of them use Covid-19 as a base; Moderna & Pfizer shots instruct the body to produce spike proteins...but wait, aren't spike proteins what cause the majority of the physiological problems from covid? You know, blood clots, etc.? Sure, the body mounts a response but you're basically giving covid to everyone who gets the shot. It's already been observed that these spike proteins do not stay at the injection site but travel to all organs of the body. Genius...what could possibly go wrong?

I suspect that a large number of people that got the vaccine will decline to get the promoted booster shots. I am also quite confident that the "cases" will subside for the next month or two and then balloon come October...just like last year. IMHO natural immunity is the only thing that will save us. Human beings have a propensity to think they can outwit nature, God, etc.
The whole medical field included big pharma, reason being people are treated like cash cows not humans.

Healthcare is a business. Regulated to some degree, but still a business. And in this case it was certainly subsidized.
We then learned that close to half of the hospitalizations are from the vaxed
I don't recall hearing that the vax would keep you from getting covid, rather improve your odds of not dying by 300%. I'll take those odds.
We had a covid death in our local hospital just a couple days ago. Not vaxed. As MC said, may the odds forever be in your favor. Yours, my 2 BIL's, and the handful of my friends that won't get vaxed.
With college students returning soon it will be an even bigger shit show than it is now. We're done going out to dinner at places we can't sit outside. This thing spreads like wildfire.
Healthcare is a business. Regulated to some degree, but still a business. And in this case it was certainly subsidized.
Tis highly regulated. Think of FDA and it’s laws.
Science is highly subsidized too.
Patents protect “intellectual property” for a period of time as a tradeoff to keepin trade secrets.
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