The New Normal

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I'm not picking up what your putting down.
If all of the people who refuse to get the vaccine got the vaccine the mask wearing and social distancing would go away sooner and lock downs would not be as likely to happen again. They are ones who are causing "herd immunity" to be delayed but they're the ones bitching about masks and social distancing the most. They're also the ones least likely to practice mask wearing and social distancing.
The Bethlehem Musik Fest is going on right now and I usually go with my daughter and son-in-law and was really looking forward to it this year. Now I'm thinking that won't happen this weekend with a 9 month old grandson who cannot get vaccinated yet.
A recent "scary" story circulating around the English speaking world is that vaccinated and unvaccinated people are equally contagious. That isn't true from what I can tell. Partially because the amount of time that someone who is vaccinated has enough virus in their nose to be contagious is shorter, meaning by days.

Here's the latest about breakthrough cases and Delta. I expect new info to shoe up weekly, if not more often. That's the flip side of a pandemic with scientists paying attention all over the world because cases are increasing everywhere.

August 11, 2021

Moderna seems much better aginyt delta fyi
Thanks for the heads up. Here are a couple other related links. The thought that comes to mind is that the study period was Jan-July 2021. The restrictions related to mask usage in MN were quite different in Jan-May compared to Jun-Jul. Does seem to be evidence that Moderna did better during the later period than Pfizer. I'll read the pre-print more carefully later.

August 10, 2021

August 6, 2021
Comparison of two highly-effective mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 during periods of Alpha and Delta variant prevalence
A recent "scary" story circulating around the English speaking world is that vaccinated and unvaccinated people are equally contagious. That isn't true from what I can tell. Partially because the amount of time that someone who is vaccinated has enough virus in their nose to be contagious is shorter, meaning by days.

Here's the latest about breakthrough cases and Delta. I expect new info to shoe up weekly, if not more often. That's the flip side of a pandemic with scientists paying attention all over the world because cases are increasing everywhere.

August 11, 2021
No, cases are not increasing many countries "cases" (whatever the hell that means anymore) are decreasing as are deaths. What perplexes me most is that we are having a surge in the US in the middle of summer. This goes against the normal respiratory disease pattern. I'm starting to wonder if the vaccines are the main driver of the increased "cases".
I don’t think you intended it this way so don’t take this as an attack but I don’t think all these “covid skeptic ignoramus gets covid and dies” stories are very helpful. The implication is that he deserved it. You could probably find a case of somebody who was first in line for the vaccine, got covid later on and unfortunately passed away. It wouldn’t prove anything.
Indeed. There are always outliers in human health...the child who develops cancer, the fitness buff that has a heart attack, etc. However, if we look at this in a comprehensive matter (i.e. big picture), the view is pretty clear. Covid is most harmful for people with comorbidities: obesity, vitamin deficiency, old age, etc. For whatever reason public health officials seem to be afraid to advise the public to get healthy. Instead, they say "take the shot".
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