The New Normal

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Cornell has a great dashboard. Total vaccinate on campus is 94%. If you hover over the percentage of people on campus who are vaccinated, it shows the breakdown of those on campus. Staff are up to 90%. That's where we were lagging. Students have to be vaccinated.

Maybe I don't have to be so much in panic mode. Other than the fact that I ran into a guy I talk with occasionally on the road. His daughter is at BU. Someone in her group tested positive and they all had to quarantine.

I kinda sorta think that breakthroughs are our newer new normal. I have always ramped up the echinacea tea when the students came back in the spring, but it may be a year round thing.
Cornell has a great dashboard. Total vaccinate on campus is 94%. If you hover over the percentage of people on campus who are vaccinated, it shows the breakdown of those on campus. Staff are up to 90%. That's where we were lagging. Students have to be vaccinated.
Very nice Dashboard! Noticed that yesterday there were over 500 tests and only 2 positive. That's a good sign.

For UNC-Chapel Hill the faculty are behind compared to students too. But it's the staff who really need to be pushed. I wonder if they are counting the food service employees since they work for the company with the food service contract. And then there are the staff who work at the Greek houses.

Haven't looked at college Dashboards since last fall. Be interesting to see how many include vaccination stats.
Video with the British view of Americans being able to drive to Canada again. Mostly interviews with Canadians near Niagra Falls. Also shows what an American family had to do in order to go from Buffalo to their cottage in Ontario.

August 9, 2021
I don’t think you intended it this way so don’t take this as an attack but I don’t think all these “covid skeptic ignoramus gets covid and dies” stories are very helpful. The implication is that he deserved it. You could probably find a case of somebody who was first in line for the vaccine, got covid later on and unfortunately passed away. It wouldn’t prove anything.
I don’t think you intended it this way so don’t take this as an attack but I don’t think all these “covid skeptic ignoramus gets covid and dies” stories are very helpful. The implication is that he deserved it. You could probably find a case of somebody who was first in line for the vaccine, got covid later on and unfortunately passed away. It wouldn’t prove anything.
Weird that the story offended you so much that you felt compelled to post this.
We are going back down the rabbit Whole because people don't want to help each other. Wonderful world we live in.
We are going back down the rabbit whole because people don't want to help each other. Wonderful world we live in.
I find it ironic that people most opposed to mask wearing, lock downs, and social distancing are the ones who are extending the mask wearing, social distancing, and potential lock downs.
I don’t think you intended it this way so don’t take this as an attack but I don’t think all these “covid skeptic ignoramus gets covid and dies” stories are very helpful. The implication is that he deserved it. You could probably find a case of somebody who was first in line for the vaccine, got covid later on and unfortunately passed away. It wouldn’t prove anything.

Of course they didn't deserve it, I think the jist of his post was that all of the science and statistics point to the fact that the vaccines work and are very, very safe. All logic would lead any reasonable person to get the vaccine.
I find it ironic that people most opposed to mask wearing, lock downs, and social distancing are the ones who are extending the mask wearing, social distancing, and potential lock downs.
I'm not picking up what your putting down.
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