The New Normal

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We were going to the state fair but now they're requiring masks. Screw that. Damn.
When we were kids the folks didn’t ever take us to the state fair. Said something bout catchin polio.
I've been to the state fair 3 or 4 times in total.
Last time we went we took the bus and just hung around a beer tent with picnic tables talkin and hearin music.

I can do that at home easier.
When we were kids the folks didn’t ever take us to the state fair. Said something bout catchin polio.
I've been to the state fair 3 or 4 times in total.
Last time we went we took the bus and just hung around a beer tent with picnic tables talkin and hearin music.

I can do that at home easier.

My parents never took us either.
Wife and I enjoy going for the music, food, beer, and people watching. I enjoy the Center of Progress Building for the gadgets. Love me some good gadets.
fair season meme.jpg
I have just kind of, sort of accepted the fact that I will be exposed. I have the unvaccinated coworker, who had the funeral this past weekend for her MIL who died of COVID. I have an incoming international grad student who is unvaccinated, but at least has asked for information about getting the vaccine. At least my coworker seems to be pretty consistent about wearing a mask and I can close my office door. "It's going to get worse before it gets better."
I have just kind of, sort of accepted the fact that I will be exposed. I have the unvaccinated coworker, who had the funeral this past weekend for her MIL who died of COVID. I have an incoming international grad student who is unvaccinated, but at least has asked for information about getting the vaccine. At least my coworker seems to be pretty consistent about wearing a mask and I can close my office door. "It's going to get worse before it gets better."
Unfortunately, that is the reality for people who are working and need to do some stuff in person. The best that you could do is using masking and distancing as much as practical to avoid close contact indoors.

Any idea what percentage of the students are vaccinated? Will there be regular testing for people who are unvaccinated?

Based on how students registered for the fall semester, apparently 90% said they were vaccinated for UNC-Chapel Hill. That's better than the faculty, who were at 82% last week. The staff were the lowest, at 55%.
Towards the end of my trip in July, there was one afternoon/evening I didn't feel great. Took a nap, which I never do unless I'm sick. Felt fine in the morning. Since there is a small private lab near my house that does free testing, I did a PCR test based on a nasal swab while sitting in the car. The timing from the start of symptoms seemed about right after I got home. Result was negative. But I still stayed a bit farther away from my husband for a week or so. We have a big house so that's pretty easy.
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