The New Normal

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People in states that are at risk of overwhelming more than one hospital are starting to understand that COVID-19 didn't go away. Vaccinations are up in the states with the lowest rates as of late July 2021.

Here's an example:
Related to the question of whether or not an employer can require a COVID-19 vaccination. There are situations where the answer is "yes."

I thought 5% was surprisingly low, considering the labor market now.
I would guess that like everything else about COVID-19, there will be a wide range depending on region, profession, and how much people are being paid. Have heard interviews with people who don't ever intend to return to the hospitality industry for any amount of money. Meaning people who managed to find a pretty decent job doing something completely different.

Many people are scared of change. The people who are quick to leave because of a vaccination requirement may well have been thinking about going elsewhere since before the pandemic started. It would be the last straw that would make them take the leap, especially if there isn't a new job already lined up. When COVID-19 is making everything seem so unpredictable, switching jobs could seem less scary.
Have heard interviews with people who don't ever intend to return to the hospitality industry for any amount of money. Meaning people who managed to find a pretty decent job doing something completely different.
I spent 15 years bartending, its a grind. my guess is some of these jumped to better paying or similar paying jobs just to have nights and weekends off.
Why I jumped at the chance to get the shots:

#1- I had 8 classmates and two childhood friends lose parents to it, along with my former boss's wife and my 1st steady boyfriend's wife. And that was all pre-Delta.
#2 - I want life to return to normal and dealing with masks skiing last winter pretty much ruined the skiing for me. When jerks weren't masking in the locker rooms and in the liftline right next to me or wanting to ride next to me the discussions put a damper on the whole day.
#3 - I really wanted to spend time with my daughter without worrying about weather, ventilation, what the heck friends she'd been hanging with and THEIR habits, etc. Fortunately, she wanted to see her parents, too, and got vaccinated within days of when I did. Plus I really wanted to hug her hard.

I had a friend who had polio as a child. The vaccine saved my childhood. 2 adults I knew got it as well.

I own probably $500 worth of masks at this point, for various kinds of activities, and have no issue wearing them. I also now own 2 very pricey pairs of ABOM goggles. So, I'm ready, but hoping that we get over this stuff by next winter.
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