The New Normal

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I think the 93% is some kind of general statistical estimate. They could probably tell every person, but it's probably expense and doesn't gain you much.

Just a guess.

You're teasing right?

Would you want to find out you got the same thing again, and were still susceptible to delta, or would you rather find out that a case of covid and two vaxes protected you somewhat, so that you felt a little sick but were basically fine? In the second case maybe now you won't get delta again, and maybe you be cool until epsilon comes along.
The SARS-CoV-2 ain’t gonna go away soon.
SOB mutates as it’s what viruses do.
Folks are learning about it daily.
Gotta be careful what media ya get exposed to as well as who yer around.
Should peter out eventually.
Stay well.
I heard this morning that 93% of new cases are delta so there is that. If true. (Gulf of Tonkin and all).
OK, I missed something. If they can't tell you if it's the delta variant how do they know it's the delta variant?

Individuals who get tested are not being told whether or not they have Delta. But for a batch of tests, it's possible to sample and see what variants are found. So it's possible to have evidence that a given location has a lot of Delta. Does that help?

Back in 2020, there were tests done on wastewater samples that had been collected in Italy months before COVID-19 caused hospitals to be overwhelmed. Provided evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was in Europe by late 2019.
I could find no proof that this was true (with 2 mins of google lol):

If true, seems like it might not hold up in court.

I'm wondering about the insurance companies. I'd think if you rack up half a mil in bills for covid and you turned down the vax, they might push back. Surprised we haven't heard more about that.
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